I just wanted to share with you all before you discovered on your own. I have put my truck on ebay. Of course there is no guarantee. Gater http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1948-Chevy-Pickup-Fully-Restored-/320707573779?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item4aaba93813
Thats an awfully nice truck, Tailgater. I'm sure it is tough letting it go...I hope you get a good price... tjs
Thanks Guys. rgmj00, I don't have another truck to work on but I will be looking. If I sell this one the next one will be more of a daily driver. My Dad use to take me to car shows as a kid so I always had a dream of having a truck to take with my son. What I have found is that car shows are fine as a spectator but they are not really my thing. I don't enjoy sitting around all day. A lot of the conversations are fun but I would rather be cruising in a decent truck than showing a "perfect" truck. I have been blessed that my son and I are very close. He likes to do whatever comes up.
Bill. Sorry to hear you are parting ways with the long bed, I know you will be happier with the daily driver as I am. I have been using the bed for a paint booth lately for parts off a 9N I'm trying to get sold. I know if I had a finished bed I would be painting in the garage and catching hell from the other half because the house is smelling like paint fumes from the rattle cans. Wish you well on your new journey looking and getting another Ride. Thanks for sharing.
I'm with you, tailgater. To me, I get the enjoyment of cruising across the state (can be several hundred miles here in Montana!) to get there; shoot the bull with other rodders, look at the neat cars there, but then drive around and enjoy the freedom of the road. Hauling one to a show in a trailer, then setting around to see if you were awarded for spending more money than the next guy just ain't my cup o' tea. I could have easily restored my 46 Studebaker to original...would have been pretty easy. But with 169 screaming cubic inches, non-syncro'd 4 speed that topped out at 40 mph, and 1 ton suspension, how much fun would it have been to drive for any distance? So...it got a helova modification, all hacked up and welded back together by yours truly, and I've had more danged fun with it than anything else. Two thumbs up...one by a pretty young girl and one by an old codger outside the nursing home, are worth a dozen plastic trophies to me. But...that's the neat thing about this hobbie...we can all do what we enjoy, and still share the commonality with others who love the beauty of the automobile. With this new build, it's got more "off the shelf" parts, a more "refined" build, and people are saying "oh, don't touch it", "don't get any rock chips from gravel on the pavement", "put something on the running boards before you stop on them". Uh uh. It might be pretty and clean, but it wasn't built to sit and show people...it was built to drive. 390 horses ain't going to waste...we're gonna put some miles on her. I'm getting anxious to start!!!
I thought this might happen, G. That's why I was pushing you to use rattle cans to paint that thing! Good luck with selling it and your future plans!
I know how you feel At the car show I went to last year, they announced not to touch any of the cars, good thing to say. I had the chance to tell the kids and parents to climb on jump in and take pictures on. The kids loved it. I did to it was a blast.
That's where I'm at. Currently working on a 51 Chevy 1/2 ton and a 52 Suburban. The Suburban will be our "family car", I'm looking forward to toting my family around in it. The truck is for my son and I (although my daughter took to it faster than him, see pic). They are both going to be drivers, I don't like the idea of them not being touched. Keep on truckin Tailgater!
I understand what Tailgater means. I only play in my head - sell it or make a daily driver The problem in Germany we drive very fast and if i drive with my old truck - all heads turn around but it's hard work for me to drive between all the new cars. I get Monday my new Car (Audi A7) big, fast but new. a business car but the truck has a other kind of fun. And my son ask me: why do you drive with the old truck every time if you have time?. It's fun and proud and he can't understand what i mean. For that reason i decide - next winter my truck get a new tranny and i'm looking for all the big noises. If i detroy all noises i can relax when i drive and enjoy the ride.
Re:Hard To Do I've considered selling my 53 a couple of times, even "sold" it to my son in law once but he never came up with the cash, so I went and got her. Best feeling I ever had when she was sitting in the driveway. So I know your pain Tailgater!
Mine isn't for sale, but I will build you one of your own! I have people asking to buy it all the time....it is my test mule. I will build them one with all I have learned on mine.
Buuuuuiiiiiiiiillllllddddd the GGGGGGGGGGG..... BUUUUIIIIIILLLLLDDDDD THE GGGGGGGGGGG.... There~ That ought to do it!
Gator - I'm dying to know what your reserve is set at? I know you said not to ask in your eBay listing but I am dying to know your reserve. It is a beautiful truck and I love the colors. Also it is the first long bed I think I have ever seen. Sorry to see you are getting rid of her.
Why is everything so Hush/Hush here. Its like my Mother-in-law's all family secrets. Tell us Tailgator and tell us now. I want you to get at least $18k, preferably $21K. I think its good you are advertising on Ebay cause there ain't no money in these hills. Flashlight
Flashlight, I just wrote this rambling note about what to do and what not to do, giving all kinds of advice and bitching about our current administration adding to my financial difficulties, etc. etc. etc. Then I hit submit and lost the whole damn thing. So, my reserve is $25K but, at this point, $18K sounds pretty good. Gater