Now i need your help. I will buy an OD tranny from Flashlight with the Serial # on top of tranny is 3849534 9 GM, also lower down is another # 3837552. Because the way from the US to Germany is very long i need all information about this tranny. The internet have not enough information or i can't find they. Will convert my 1946 truck with Patricks 3.55 rear end to an open driveline - not a big problem
Geez Volker, did you have to mention my name! Now if you have any problem at all I will be the laughing stock around here!! I'm kidding, I did see an older post by Evan and he said this is like a 70% OD. If I figure right if you could get 100KPH/60MPH before, you should be pushing 80MPH with your 3:55 rear-end. Look-out Porsche's! Your Drive-train will go that fast but I don't know about the rest of the truck. I saw an internet entry and they said you can buy parts from a company called "The Filling Station". I am thinking of building a shipping pallet for it, anyone have any design idea's Flashlight
If not important to fly over the highway. i love a silent car and i think with smaller RPM its reachable. technical details of my truck. power steering, disc brake in front, brake booster from CPP, rebuild engine 235, R/P 3.55 from Patrick, new bearings all around the wheels. fenton outlet and fenton intake, double carby runs on the line without i hold the steering wheel and if i press the brake pedal the truck hold the line also. ...and concerning your name. First of all if i have a problem i will solve this in Germany - far away from you and then you can say the german man is too stupid to work with american metal
You will probably send the "out of work" Stasi secret police, and I then have a quiet accident like falling down the stairs or off my balcony. Or, the poor man felt so bad, he "hung himself". I will start the motor this week that it came off and like I said, everything around the clutch is new, I can see it has all new gaskets around it too. So, I don't expect any problems. I saw some old posts on Muncie 3 speeds and Evan showed a picture of a shifter he built for one. I think Studebaker clubs use a lot of these, check their websites for parts and the Solinoids can be rebuilt. Nate had a good thread on operating these. I would use the governor on it and not try to use it as a 6 speed tranny as some suggest. Engage at speeds over 30MPH and it automaticly disengages at speeds less then 28MPH. It will be perfect for German High speed roads. Nate's idea of putting the toggle switch and cable on the shifter sounds good. Do you still have the column shifter? Flashlight