Hard step to take - ebay

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Tailgater, May 31, 2011.

  1. steve l

    steve l Member

    Feb 27, 2011
    Santa Clarita, CA
    Gater - I placed a bid up on your truck

    Hopefully with some action and interest those sitting on the sidelines and just watching your auction will stop watching and jump in on the action and get you up to where you want to be on price.
  2. Flashlight

    Flashlight Member

    Apr 6, 2009
    Greeneville, Tennessee....Looking out over the Smo
    I watched one from massachusetts, pretty much stock, good to excellent driver only, older resto and not frame-off...it got up to $15,100 and he no-saled it. So I hope if those folks appreciate a great Resto you'll get right up there where you want to be.

  3. Tailgater

    Tailgater Member

    Sep 16, 2006
    Greene County, TN
    I thought that might be you. The timing was right after your question about the reserve. Thanks, that just might be what gets it started.
  4. Tailgater

    Tailgater Member

    Sep 16, 2006
    Greene County, TN
    My ebay auction is over and the high bid was 12,106. Thanks Steve for helping out.
    I am going to advertize locally for a while then may try again with a lower starting bid. I think maybe a $10K starting bid might have scared some folks off.
    Anyway, if that is a true indication of what it is worth it stings a little.
  5. spika

    spika Member

    Apr 23, 2011
    Central Montana
    Its a little hard to say. I've seen things listed several times before the ones that are really interested actually discover it and bid. What you had, in my opinion, are bids from those that think if they might get a steal on something, they'd buy it, but they're not the ones that are looking for a vehicle like you're offering and are willing to pay actual worth. I'd run some pics locally...if you have a "thrifty nickel" or some similar weekly ad publication, you may find more serious interest. I don't believe you are out of line on what you're expecting...believe me, I know what it costs to put a vehicle together. Keep posting here and there, and have some patience...
  6. Flashlight

    Flashlight Member

    Apr 6, 2009
    Greeneville, Tennessee....Looking out over the Smo
    "It is what it is"

    First off, Sorry it didn't go higher. :( Tailgator! I think Willard said it best....you put $25k into a ride and you get a $12k truck. I have $23K in my 47' and have it insured for $12k, my 53' has over $18k in it and I have it insured for $12k.

    First off, I don't want to be insurance poor, and the reality is I can replace them in this economy for around that much. All my insurance agent would do is go out and buy me a "like kind and Quality ride" for $12K. So I don't buy unnecessary insurance. IT IS This Economy!!

    I have a few pickers for friends who frequent all the sales and swaps. Unless you have a trendy collectible for Barrett-jackson, prices are way down. Except for Nate and a few other wealthy Texans:D we are not Concours buyers.

    If you own Real Estate and need to sell its the same story, hold off if you can. Unfortunately for retiree's like me there is a fine line between old age and the inevitable and how long we can wait! Its been bad for over 5 years now. I can buy a house for less then the costs to build one, I have two properties for sale and its the same story:confused:. My two cents worth, Hang in there Tailgator, this too will pass.:)
  7. Tailgater

    Tailgater Member

    Sep 16, 2006
    Greene County, TN
    The good thing is that I ain't hurtin for cash. I just got to the point where I don't enjoy the shows and my son who is now 16 has other interests. The truck will be more fun for someone else than it is for me.

    You are right about the market. I went to an auction in Fall Branch about 6 months ago to bid on a house that I wanted to speculate on. It is a $90K house that I decided I could go $60K on. The guy that I bid against got it at $62K when I quit bidding. He has put in new windows and done some cosmetic work and had it for sale now for 4 months without a nibble. I am glad I was disciplined enough to stop bidding because I don't want to be sitting on a house for months at a time in this economy. Until we get someone in office that knows their butt from third base we will just have to live with it.
  8. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Investment Vs. Value

    The sad truth that few ever seem to quite grasp is : it'll never be worth the $ you put into it and always it has been so .

    For those who foolishly dumped mega $ into anything old thinking it was an investment , I feel sorry but you were warned , you just chose to ignore the facts .

    This is why my old '49 remains an unrestored but nice old truck . I'll still loose my butt when I sell it , I'm just realistic and accepted that going in .

    Certainly I always advise newbies to go buy a 5 year old restored truck for 1/2 the $ it took to build it , easier thata way too .
  9. Tailgater

    Tailgater Member

    Sep 16, 2006
    Greene County, TN
    Your point is well taken. I knew this going in. As we have always said on this site, it is your money, spend it the way you want. There are things like sentimentality that figure in. When the truck has been in the family many years you are willing to go a little further to bring it back to life. My granddad bought a 48 Chevy 1 ton new and many parts on this truck came from his, including the title.

    If you go in knowing that you will not get it all back that is fine. I think that is one of the main points of this thread.

    What I would advise for the newbies is this:
    Look ahead as best you can at what you want your lifestyle to be like and make your truck fit that lifestyle. What we sometimes do, and what I did, is think that we will like going to shows with a nice truck and that we will enjoy that lifestyle but find out later that is not the case.

    I do not regret bringing back another AD that was destined for the crusher. If I had it to do over, I would have made it a daily driver because that fits my lifestyle better.
  10. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    The Show Circuit

    I rarely go to shows , mostly the swap meet ones , just to get parts or look at other enthusiasts vehicles , I don't care about or for , trailer queens .

    I'd think that driving your truck on weekends would be fun & relaxing.....
  11. steve l

    steve l Member

    Feb 27, 2011
    Santa Clarita, CA

    Gator -

    I just sent you a PM in regards to your truck.
  12. spika

    spika Member

    Apr 23, 2011
    Central Montana
    It certainly is more economical to buy a prebuilt vehicle; you are all very right...the sale value will take years to catch up to the build cost. But...for a lot of us, a big part of the fun is in the build, and you lose out on that if you buy one off the shelf and complete.
    I'm just adding up the costs on this GMC...as of a week or so ago, I had $17,500 in parts and supplies...just the painting supplies were $2900, and it was not an especially high dollar paint. It also does not count anything for the base 383 engine I stole from my Stude, along with the transmission, nor does it include any value for the starter pickup. We don't even want to talk about labor. Typically, if you do it yourself, you can say that the cost of your labor is the price you pay for the entertainment of building. But...we've now got a vehicle that, to me, is comparable to a pretty new pickup, which will cost you quite a bit as well, and in my opinion is far more fun to own and drive than a 2011. But...building one for an investment just won't pencil, and probably never will. At least, however, the value will almost certainly increase over the years. Spend $30,000 on a new pickup, and it's worth considerably less as soon as you drive it off the lot, and it just keeps going down with each year. I'm sure there are few people frequenting this forum that have ever gotten into the classic trucks for making money...but we sure all get a lot of enjoyment from them...
  13. Flashlight

    Flashlight Member

    Apr 6, 2009
    Greeneville, Tennessee....Looking out over the Smo

    So now just drive the truck!! Its bought and paid for. At our age there's no point saving for a rainy day. If you drive it so much it needs a paint job so be it! Put out the good China and your best Parfume', I'll be over for a cold one. My $18k investment is hopefully road worthy tommorrow. Out near Roaring Fork you said, I think?

  14. Tailgater

    Tailgater Member

    Sep 16, 2006
    Greene County, TN
    That would be Horton Highway in the Lovelace Community. Just ask at the beer store. They know where I am. While you're there...

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