There was a severe hail storm in the area recently and a 48 AD and 67 Cougar we had done got hammered. A section of roof cam off over the pickup and the lady with the Cougar had just moved in her new house and the garage was full of furniture. Both were show winners and ironically the Cougar had a best paint award. Like someone once said; don't feel too badly about having no shoes when someone else has no feet.
Certainly enough to make you weepy...danged storms can do a lot of damage in a short amount of time...
Evan, your lady customer needs to get her priorities straight. Leave the furniture out in the yard and keep the Cougar in the garage.
I know how you feel. Mine wasn't hail but the garage burnt with my truck in it.. Lots of cryin goin on there. Thank goodness I still have my feet... LOL
ah thats not bad You should see when it happens to an airplane! and you just cant throw some Bondo on then or tap them out witha hammer . Imagine drilling out hndreds of 1/8 rivits and then drillinga new skin to match and then riviting it back on. Did i mention the hundreds of rivits, Bill
best place to ride out the storm What is the best place to duck into if you get caught in a storm? under an overpass of course if on the highway, but if there is a car wash nearby - why not - no body else will be using it.