New Brake booster kit bought /CPP lack of servise/no intrest to give any service !

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Blueflame236, Jun 9, 2011.

  1. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    New Brake booster kit bought /CCP lack of servise and why ?

    There are allways to sides around a discussion with sales people when making mistakes after buying new parts, but this one takes the cake !!

    I ordered the power brake booster that should fit my 1950 truck from CCP this winter and opened the package for some weeks ago to get it installed together with the Saginaw 4 speed. CCP policy says return your order after 30days if there are any complaines. In my first e.amail to CCP i told the salesmann excactly what i have (engine, transmission ect.) to make shore i got the right booster. So far so good they promised me that everything whas ship shape in order.Well i did`nt have any complaines as they told me i could be shore that the booster would fit , but it does not in any ways! The booster fits the old bracket location but there is no space anough together with 4 speed installed ( needs aprox. 5,1/2 cm. moore space) CCP does not want to take the item in return neither do they want to swap the booster with another type/modell. The compagny sold my an item that does not fit and i still have not receaved any good suggestion to find an alternative setup for the booster. It might fit the Saginaw 3 speed as its shape is different from the 4 speed but that does`nt help me now?

    Any suggestions what i should do with this situation ? CCP has done a fault that they dont want to admit and why does a compagny with a good reputation have this bad customer policy ? Or how could i install the booster afterall so that it will work in another position ? By the way its ment to use for the drum/drum brake solution.


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    Last edited: Jun 10, 2011
  2. ol' chebby

    ol' chebby Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    You can make or find a bracket that extends the booster back far enough to clear the 4 speed body, then extend the pushrod to match.
  3. herman quail

    herman quail Member

    Dec 31, 2007
    Black mtn, NC
    trouble with CCP

    I too had trouble with CCP on getting the parts that fit my truck. I was buying a steering column saver. They told me how to measure it and they would send me the correct part. I received it and it did not fit. I called them for tech help. they told me the columns were different between standard and auto transmissions???(anybody heard if that?).After explaining how it should fit and giving them all of the measurements, they told me I should buy the one that will fit a FORD and return the old one (this was one day after receiving it in the mail).They told me I ordered the incorrect part and made me feel like I had no clue on what I was doing and was an idiot for ordering the part that I did. They were not helpful and would not admit any error on there part. I had to call three times just to get the correct part. I do not have anything good to say about CCP!!

    As you can see I was able to get it into the truck and the part works great.
    Keep at it and you will figure out how to solve your problem and if we all get on these mail order companies ,maybe they will act more helpful in the future.

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  4. Flashlight

    Flashlight Member

    Apr 6, 2009
    Greeneville, Tennessee....Looking out over the Smo
    Martinius, I have the Saginaw 4 speed. I had to re-work the bracket some to get it in there and the crosspiece must be removed. Yes, its very full in that area now. I had to shave some bolts on the tranny shifter too! As bad as it was for me the muffler installer had it worse but got everything in there. Its hard. Same issues on my 53'.

  5. Volker

    Volker Member

    Oct 27, 2007
    Germany, nearby Leipzig

    i bought the power booster not from CPP but think it's the same as i have.
    Take a look at the picture and i think with this kinde of mounting you could use every position for the power brake system. Mine is approx 1m away from the pedal.

    And the brake problem with overheated brakes are gone today. A technican from said that i must have a space (1mm) between booster and MC. That was the failure and the reason for pressure at the brake line if the truck was hot.


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  6. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Well thanks Volker this might give the solution !

    It needs an Einstein to get the job done. Still have a hope to get the install done now and your pictures are great to have as they show clearly what i have to do getting it done making this spesial bracket for mounting i`ll guess !
    I`ll wait doing the job until i have been at the State car inspection first of all for the first time inspection as the truck have to be in the "original state" to get the classic number plates ! I am not familiar with the expression MC and wonder what you ment by that ? Further installing details i can talk about with you later on right. Send you a PM here on the forum as i read yours today.

    Thanks any how Martinius.

  7. spika

    spika Member

    Apr 23, 2011
    Central Montana
    MC is shorthand for Master Cylinder...
  8. Volker

    Volker Member

    Oct 27, 2007
    Germany, nearby Leipzig
    Hey spika, you are a little bit faster with the description:D
  9. bigtimjamestown

    bigtimjamestown Member

    Jan 11, 2010
    Jamestown Ca.
    Are those brake lines made of copper or are they just copper color? Also I have heard of there being a factory defect in the length of the push rod between the MC and the booster on the after market kits. If they are too long they won't let the MC piston return all the way causing the fluid to get hot and the front brakes to drag and get hot as well. The cure is to trim the rod and as Volker stated to leave 1 mm clearance between the rod and the MC. ....Big Tim :cool:
  10. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    I'll be getting mine through our host...

    I ordered an electric wiper motor from them (USA made) and was shocked to find that the switch wasn't included. Called them and they sent one right down. No questions asked. They have really good service. Sorry to hear that you aren't getting it from CCP. :(
  11. Volker

    Volker Member

    Oct 27, 2007
    Germany, nearby Leipzig
    The brake lines a kind of copper. named CuNiFer.
    Please read older post about the specification. In Europe we have an OK from all car inspectors for this materials.
  12. Flashlight

    Flashlight Member

    Apr 6, 2009
    Greeneville, Tennessee....Looking out over the Smo
    I wonder if these special copper lines will work on "Whiskey Stills" as well! Otherwise known as Schnapp's to our Euro Friends. Volker, you are taking this stuff way too serious...Do more Driving on the Country roads, when you are done with the truck, Gator and I will pay $12,000. This week I had to put a different 235 in my 53', It is, What it is!!

  13. bigtimjamestown

    bigtimjamestown Member

    Jan 11, 2010
    Jamestown Ca.
    Very interesting, I have never heard of copper brake lines. I wouldn't think they would be strong enough. Could they be a copper alloy of some sort, stronger than just plain copper?.... Big Tim :cool:
  14. bigtimjamestown

    bigtimjamestown Member

    Jan 11, 2010
    Jamestown Ca.
    Found it,,,,Cunifer brake lines

    FedHill is the exclusive importer for Cunifer™ brake line products. Cunifer™ is a seamless, copper-nickel alloy DOT approved brake line that is as strong as steel, completely corrosion proof and is easier to work with than any other brake line on the market. It is easy to bend, which allows it to be snaked into positions that conventional brake lines cannot. Cunifer™ also flares easier, seals better and requires less prepartion than any other tubing on the market. It does not rust, so it is perfect for any environment. No other brake tubing compares for strength, reliability and ease of installation!

    High performance manufacturers such as Aston Martin, Porsche, Volvo and Audi have chosen to install copper-nickel alloy over all other materials including stainless steel brake lines.

    It is the perfect replacement brake line tubing for cars, trucks and buses. Snow plow operators know that replacement steel brake lines rust out faster than the OEM brake lines. Two years later you're replacing the brake lines again. Cunifer™ brake lines do not rust! Ever!

    Are you fed up with your flaring tool? The 007 Brake Line Flaring Tool is what you need. This tool is 12 pounds of steel in a compact, clever arrangement that makes flaring brake lines amazingly easy. Using its fast cam and lever action, you can press a perfect double flare in 30 seconds and quickly change flare sizes if you need to. Its precision made punch and smooth bore die blocks grip and form the flare without damaging the tubing. With this tool, you can make aircraft quality flares for SAE 45 degree double (inverted) on American or metric sized tubing, DIN flares on metric tubing, and British bubble flares. We have purchased and tested almost every brake line flaring tool on the market and this is the finest, most reliable tool we have found. Our shop has been personally using this tool for 20 years, and we are quite proud to now represent the manufacturer and have the honor of supplying this tool to you.

    You need the fittings to complete the job. We stock a wide assortment of brake line fittings. From vintage Ferrari to modern metric, British Whitworth threads, and a multitude of SAE/American brake line nuts including master cylinder nuts. We also carry tee's, unions, bleeders and adaptors for brake line locks, brake proportioning valves and AN hydraulic brake tubing nuts.

    Last but not least, if you have any questions or need technical help, please read through our technical help page. Replacing brake lines on a modern vehicle really is a nightmare. You have our sympathy and support in sorting out the mess! If our web resources don't answer your questions or you have a "you can't get there from here" situation with your plumbing, please feel free to contact us.
  15. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    What did i told you old buggers here !!!

    Its one-0 to Germany .This very very clear contribution saves my day, thank you BIGTIM.

    By the way , a rumour goes that this alloy is`nt resistant against chemical liquid , like DOT 4,5 brake liquid neither hydrolic oil liquid ? After 3 months of testing my CUNIFER 10 stumbs in smaller containers with one in brake liquid and the other in Hydr. oil the new CUNIFER 10 peaces are still looking excactly as they where before ...... new !!!!
    The rustfri steel onces are miscoloured but not damaged either.They can rust moore easely from the inside and near the coplings as i understand.

    Conclusions :D:D:D:D:D:D Case closed, aplause fore all you inventive guys and women.

    Last edited: Jun 10, 2011
  16. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    I'll Be !

    You have now made me willing to try these the next time I have rusted out brake pipes .
  17. spika

    spika Member

    Apr 23, 2011
    Central Montana
    Yep, this is a good mess of information. I've never heard of this product before, but it makes perfect sense. I suspect its only a matter of time before all brake lines are made of this or a similar alloy. Wonder if any of the typical parts houses here in the US are carrying it...NAPA, O'Reilys, Bumper to Bumper...lots of times when you find you need a replacement line, you don't have time to wait for an order to come in...
  18. Volker

    Volker Member

    Oct 27, 2007
    Germany, nearby Leipzig
    compare the price:D:D

    rustfree tube 4,75mm, per meter $3.56
    rustfree tube 6.3mm, per meter $6.41
    rustfree tube 8mm, per meter $7.13
  19. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Wish you all a nice summer holliday!!

    Whas looking at the new Iron man movie 11 yesterday and thought that tecnolegy has not come in our trucks world yet but who nows what the future brings? AS is counts fore CUNIFER 10 pipes you are a guy that is curious about many things and i`ll wish all the best of luck using it. Its a safe material thats fore shore!!
    How are you doing elsewhere , planning some holliday with the famely mabe? Me myself i am of at the end of june to Oregon waiting to have a personal adventure.Man i am looking foreward to that........testdriving an new Indian for some days,hiking in the Cascades , listen music at the hippie festifal in Eugine, car and truck shows , airplane trip with my cousin, visiting a good friend i have not seen fore 20 years at least in Edmonton Canada.

    I `ll think i do not wanna return to work again after that trip !!!

    Wish you all a nice summer Martinius.

  20. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Summer Plans

    Oregon is nice , if wet ~ I just drove up there in my '76 GMC to pick up my new Ural Solo sT Moto .

    I'd hoped to get Down East this Spring and visit my brother who recently bought a farm in Maine to retire on , looks like maybe not as my injuries are making it hard to do anything these days .

    If I'm lucky , I'll get some help from my son and get the back yard cleaned out of all the old VW's and junk .

    In October the clan will gather in Washinton State to celebrate my father's 90th birthday .

    Somewhere in there , SWMBO will have me take her off to a casino for her vacation & maybe I'll find some more old junkyards to peruse , or , finally get some rest .

    Please take pix of your Cascade hiking , I know it's loverly up there .

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