Finally, after what seems like an endless spring of rain, we've got a beautiful morning here in Montana...sun is out and everything is green. Couldn't pass up the opportunity to take a couple pics of Midnight Rose in natural light... Carpet went in last night...finished that a 3:30 this morning. Hoping the interior boys get the seat done today...we'll have to wait and see. Getting awfully anxious to get it out on the road!
Wow!!! So has Classic Trucks called you for a photo shoot yet? That looks incredible!! My coworkers have started calling my addiction to this chat board my "truck porn" and this is the hottest centerfold I have seen so far!! Nice work and great location for the pics. Thanks for sharing!
Hahahaha! Yea, I'm about like that too, 'cept I frequent and as well, the latter initially because of a studebaker section. Thanks for the compliments...there are a lot of beautiful trucks out there, and its fun looking at them all. Yea, I guess not a lot different that scantily clad women...
You said that right, woman and Classic chevy's.......both cost you an arm and a leg. One of them gets better with age.........I dare not say more!! Flashlight
Yea, but ya know, I've never had my daily work truck get jealous about me looking at other beautiful trucks on the net either...
Yeah And : When you dump your old beat up work truck for a newer one , it doesn't call you up @ 0-Dark:30 crying , doesn't hassle your parents .......... If it gets too loose for your taste , you can always just tighten it up again too . Lotsa reasons why my truck is as good as SWMBO ! . If she ever reads this , she'll hit my head with the skillet , again .
Oh, I'm afraid we've up and done it. If our wives ever stumble upon this, mine will come swinging a front bumper... You can let your neighbor borrow your truck, and the truck doesn't mind. When your wife is in the hospital, they never send you home with a loaner. Most any truck will go at least're danged lucky if you can ever get a woman to go over 68. Door poppers are becoming quite common...what someone needs to invent are bikini poppers... I better quit...this is too easy...
......... I know , it was cheap of me to take that easy shot , I figured it'd take off & run on it's own legs . I could prolly fill pages with this sort of joke . I'm *very* lucky in that SWMBO not only doesn't mind me being a Mechanic who loves old junk , she actually likes riding in them...... Did I mention how cute she is too ? .
step plates At the risk of tacking on too much "stuff", I added step plates today. Actually quite functional, as I can see the paint on the running boards getting worn and scratched where you step all the time. Picked these up from Jim Taylor for $29 for the set...unpolished. Threw them in the vibratory tumbler for a while, fine-sanded the lettering faces, powdercoated them black, then polished off the faces with rouge and a 4-1/2" hand grinder. Got a bit of time in them, but they're more "personalized" than the factory polished ones.
Naw...I don't think you've mentioned that... Perhaps what we need to do is start a new special photo section where you can post a pic of your favorite truck, with your favorite "significant other" posing with it! Maybe even get something like Jeff Rice did, showing how to tune his Coupe Express Studebaker...
Spika, that truck really turned out great. The visor is a cool add-on, as well as the step plates. There will be enough marks coming along, by using this ride, it´d be a shame to have those boards blank in a few months. Well done, so obviously, no matter, how you color your GMC, they will look perfect
Really nice truck! Can you give more detailed information on where you got the step plates please? I'd very much like to get some, as I also have a 'beautiful' truck, in the making. I got the cheaper unpolished ones, not sure how good the polished would be. Not a bad casting, but mine weren't a particularly high quality either. I'm actually thinking of doing some by machining out of a 3/8" aluminum plate...with the cnc tools, its not too difficult, and once the design is done, they would be pretty economical to run out in quantities. My thought was to put our company logo on mine. Still might try it when I get a bit of free time. That type wouldn't have the rough casting sand texture in the bottom where you can't hardly sand flat.