...Is almost here and I know there's quite a few of us in this group . Hopefully you'll be able to take Sunday off and relax & enjoy it . I'm thinking I'll ride my new Moto over to my son's house , it's not far and shouldn't break my back again .
Happy Father's Day to All! Swmbo started hinting around the other day about things that I liked, needed, etc! I saw through that pretty quick! I told her to tell the kids that all I wanted was their love and understanding! Some times the free stuff is worth more than anything they can wrap up with a bow! Hope all enjoy! Ken
Well said, Ken! My daughter has been having fun "planning stuff secretly". I don't know what I'll be doing, but if it's with my daughter, I know it will be good!
Consideration about if my son remembers its fathers day to day ? Consideration . I wonder if he remembers ? Not that i really care but if i have to admit i would be proud to know that he still shows to me how much he cares about his dad even though he is a tough guy of 24 years with a lot of muscels and other intrests then i have. Its the thought and the recognation still beeing a dad that counts right and not what you get of goods and stuf ! At least its my way of thinking that nothing can replace what comes right from the heart !!! Martinius.
It Never Ends It's O.K. to admit you care Martinius . Trust me , kids think about their parents all the time , for better or worse . My ex wife just called , she's all upset because her elderly father's health is failing & they spent the night at the hospital again . She's been through two husbands and strings of boyfriends , guess who she calls first ? . She didn't even call our son yet so I called him and asked him to call her up as she needs a shoulder to cry on .
Just a little something Happy Father Day, my passion for old vehicles must have come from my father. I remember going to junk yards in New Jersey to pull parts to keep our main mode of our household transportation running. He was a truck mechanic, father of four brothers and a quiet man. He served in the army but never discussed it with us. He since pass three years ago, unfortunately the remainder of our family isn’t close, but what I leaned from him is make sure you spend time with your siblings and don’t harp on the mistakes life is a learning experience. My son (28 years young)) and I are very close and it’s funny how you can reflect on your life to guide you through the current days. It may not look like it, but my truck been a project for over 20 years, going to the garage and tinkering is a relaxing time for me. Working and explaining to my son what and how times were. It's a great time spent messing with the old truck and with my son by my side, makes it even better.
Remembering Dad I would not have the knowlege nor the ability to turn a wrench if not for my Dad. I would not have the desire to keep a relic such as my truck if not for my Dad. I would not have my truck today if not for my Dad, as part of the money from teh settlement of his Estate was put aside by me to buy my current ride in his rememberance it is as much his as it is mine. I took my daughter out to the garage this week, and showed her what I was working on, I had to replace the hose fitting for the heater hose, she held the light, so I could work on her truck. I did all this work this week to be sure the truck was ready for today, Fathers Day, Drove about 80 miles north to an annual show (www.njsra.com) and spent the day with my family and some other relatives who are into this hobby.... remembering my Dad Bill
Fathers Day for me came early this week. Thursday morning a 4:30 am I left to help my youngest Daughter and Son in Law get out of Nv. and on to Tx. where they were moving to. The short side of this story is this; they left early Monday afternoon from Reno, by Wednesday evening they had only arrived into Vegas. After blowout on hot new tires something screwed up on their Supercrew and it started cutting out and then stop running as if out of gas or hot. Coolant fine, gas tank full, fuel pump pushing fuel, hot spark at plugs. So I leave to get my car trailer to haul his truck to the property and then onto Vegas. I get there and there trailer has a larger ball than the rental van so I get to haul their trailer and Son in Law Charles gets to pull his truck behind the Yellow Box Van. His truck has in the back two Bikes a Goldwind, and another Honda, the Cab of the truck is loaded with tools and all kinds of other stuff (heavily loaded). We load the truck on the trailer and the ass end is to heavy so we back in up on the trailer and the truck is only just on the trailer, supercrew length so long we let most of the air out of the tires so we have full rims on trailer, now the rear of the truck is to close to the back of the Van. We re-tie the load in the box van so he can make wide turns and not sharp turns. By now it is 10:30pm and we try and get some sleep. Up and off by 2:30 AM Friday morning traveling about 45 to 50 miles an hour because the height of the box vans hitch, the load on my trailer is mostly on the rear axle and the tire is full and half flat. So into the darkness we go from Nv. 95 to interstate 40 and the weight station in Az. is closed . Between Lake Havasu and the property we have to stop and sleep I'm doozing off left and right, after about 45 minutes I'm awake as is the Kids and off we go again. We get to the property unload the truck put his trailer away and I finally get to hold my newest Grand Daughter whom is now 7 months old. My other two Grand Daughters and my third Grand Son only want to watch toons. They leave after only a couple hours. Saturday they get into Canyon, Tx. without anymore car or truck trouble. After we got his truck loaded on the trailer in Vegas he seen were the blowout on the right rear had taken his exhaust pipes and bent them to the shape of a Z, so we thank we found the problem of the truck, it could not exhale. Anyway that is the short side of the story. Seeing the Grand Children and my Daughter and a Really Great Son in Law was all the Fathers Day I needed.
Cool story and handsome looking Great baby! I guess I won't say anything about, "If they'd a been driving a GMC..."