Got a small lathe to replace the very worn present one and everyone wonders why it's sitting in the middle of the parking lot. They first want to know if it's good (yes) and if it's for sale (no). Seems a momma chickadee thought under the head stock was an ideal home site so naturally we just covered the head stock and tail stock with plastic tubs till her kids leave home. Now I know how all those parents feel with stay at home kids.
Re:Hurry Up Guess we think a lot alike, Evan. Click "view as slideshow".
That's too funny! Been there, done that too! Mother Nature sure has a strange way of telling us that we have encrouched on her territory! I've had them nest in my rain gutters, in my ornamental trees, etc. You gotta let them have their way because, after all, they were here gazillions of years before us and will be here gazillions of years after us. Redefines the term "squatter's rights"! Squats and sh*ts! Ken
You don't tell the female what to do He found her a nice Shasta trailer, started fixin' it up, but evidently it wasn't what she wanted. She never occupied it. Harold
What I learned from a local ornithology expert is the Prothonotary warbler, even though it's the only warbler that nests in cavities, prefer stationary ones, not ones that swing. I guess the male thought he had a swinger for a girl friend, or at least one that enjoyed camping. He hauled in enough material for about ½ a nest and even came back a couple weeks later to check on it. Harold
Looks like that trailer needs some tie downs and skirting so the ladies can move on in for that guy. btw where did you get that Shasta special at?
Outstanding! That's pretty cool, Harold. I saw a wren build a nest in the pocket of my dad's overalls that were hanging on the clothes line once. We left the car parked too long and they decided to build a nest up inside the inner fender. I had Carolina Wrens build a big old bird nest on top of my garage's top plate. I couldn't really work out there because they'd give me hell for eing to close. I truely appreciate a man who is willing to let nature be. I feed the birds and watch to see what is around, but that trailer bird house is too cool!
Ren chicks Ren I once just recently had a mother bird (Ren) build a nest in the garage rafters, I must hve left the door open to long. Over time the mother Ren would fly around and started to feed her babies. Shorty there after I notice they were more active, went inside to eat dinner with the wife came back out two of the little chicks were in the cab on the seat chirping! I open up both cab doors and called it a day, came back the next morning all was clear.
Our daughter gave us the Shasta bird house several years ago, right after we got our Casita camper. Now she has a full size '61 Shasta trailer in her yard, about ready for camping. I'm thinking the bird house one is about ready for a restoration job. Harold
They left the nest Friday and spent the day making very wobbly take offs and really ugly landings but could fly up into the cedar tree by dark. I guess now I'll have to get off my butt and switch out lathes.