New Brake booster kit bought /CPP lack of servise/no intrest to give any service !

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Blueflame236, Jun 9, 2011.

  1. spika

    spika Member

    Apr 23, 2011
    Central Montana
    Hey, Blueflame...if your travels take you south of the border when you're up in Edmondton, swing by and see us in Central Montana! Drop me a PM if you think you might be passing through this area. I'm planning a maiden cruise with the 52 to Vegas the end of June/first of July, but will be around other than that. Thinking of looking up some AD/hotrod fans in the Vegas area to share a beverage with while I'm down there...
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2011
  2. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Thanks fore the invitation.

    Spika and all you other guys/girls .
    Your americans are such a hospitable people. I need to talk with my cousin as you understand but i like to be impulsive so we`ll see what we come up with. If in case i`ll wright all whom have contacted me an pm.

    Many thanks and nice summe wishes Martinius.:D:D:D

  3. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    CCP last note to me this week !!

    My last send e.:mail to them ;


    Now you are talking different again. You are admitting that the booster is not posseble to mount without any fitment or conversion. This is not what it says in your presentation and what you told me. At least your honest now and i`ll apreceate that. I`ll repeat your words" We don’t have anything additional to do any conversion for the 4 speed ".Then i suggest that CCP uses there time and money to fabricate the parts i just need to make that particulair fitment realize for my booster. Its easyer for your compagny as there are many simulair trucks like mine in the USA ( Chevy 1/2 ton 1950 model). There is a marked in the USA fore these parts like the onces i need right ! Taking responcebillety means doing your stuff and not load the reponsebillety over to me. I came up with the idea of the bracket and the connection rod and i suggest that you help me out by making the needed parts or take the whole shitload back again and that CCP pays fore the shipping costs back to the USA.

    Sinc. Martinius.

    This takes the cake but even a bigger peace of it. Man i am pissed :mad::mad: of about this lack of service from CCP ! Are there any truck owners amongst us that know about the USA customer rules/law around issues like these ? Have`nt decided yet what i am gonna do ?

    The receaved answer from CCP.


    The only possible thing we could do with some sort of return is offer store credit towards another purchase once you return the booster assembly to us… CPP will not pay return shipping on any order past 30 days and only based on a manufacturing problem or warranty that is found within the first 30 days. If you are unwilling to adapt this to your truck let me know and I will email you the info on were you need to ship this back and once it is here a $ 299.00 credit will be placed on your CPP account towards your next purchase. No return shipping will be credited or refunded. That is the charge a freight company charges; not us.

    Let me know.

    Aaron Strietzel
    Classic Performance Products Inc.
    175 East Freedom Avenue
    Anaheim, Ca. 92801
    714/522-2500 fax

    Last edited: Jun 13, 2011
  4. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Nate and all you other people thanks !!

    Nate and all you other people thanks !!

    I am gonna take pictures thats for shore. Just got a used digital camera my sister did`nt need anymore and i became very happy to have one. Its the first time i own one and looking foreward to use it during my hollyday "overthere".
    I am sorry to hear about your injuries and that it has such an impact on your fysicall capebillety doing like what you did before the excident ? Hope it is not to bad .
    The friend i am going to visit in Canada not knowing this myself as i whas not told for 20 years had a very bad work related excident, as he whas working outside at the third floor of a roof as he feld down on a concrete surface.
    Then broke his back and pelvis. Then lost his compagny because he whas not anaugh ensured , lost his house and got financial broke.Then lost his wife ect. Man life is sometimes not fair to people. But he is an optimistic guy and is doing quite ok today.

    Did you by the way sold your beautifull white truck as i remember your where conciddering doing that ?

    Wish you all good luck Martinius.

    Last edited: Jun 13, 2011
  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000

    Martinius ;

    Life isn't fair and for some odd reason , many folks choose to ignore this basic fact and so suffer greatly through it :( .

    I am pleased to hear your friend is doing O.K. after his travails .

    I'm pretty much FU-BAR (note clever use of Chevrolet Blue there) for life , no worries as I'm not quite dead yet . the pain thing , being a 24/7 deal , is the main problem as I never get enough rest no matter what , I hate dope so I'm reluctant to take the damned pain pills . SWMBO is always pushing me to take them but I don't unless I get goofy(er) from lack of rest or sleep .

    If you're actually going to a meet & greet in Los Vegas , give me as much advance notice as possible and I'll drive up there to say hi and buy you dinner , meet Spika too , swap lies and you can see my old unrestored 1959 Metropolitan Nash FHC . (it is NOT for sale !) .

    Yes , my '49 is still for sale , I've not advertised it anywhere yet , I'm sad but if i see $K American , off it will go . i'll get another short bed i-6 Chevy soon enough , who knows , maybe a GMC :p .

    I still have two old VW Kafers for sale , $1,500 each , 1963 Typ 113 & 1967 Typ 113 , needs works but not all beat to crap like most of the ones I see leaving the U.S. , stock , unmodified origionals .

    I went to a nice local Moto Swap Meet this weekend and bought some N.O.S. vintage shop and rider's manuals for $1.00 each (TIP : repair the seller's Motos & trucks , he'll remember) , a few " hard parts " for vintage Honda Tiddlers and ate freshly made tacos , meet new and old friends and , as always took the time to learn some new things .

    Charles filled my truck up with uber cool Cactus' and Succulents too , all in all a good weekend .

    I am always keen to meet other members here whenever they get within reasonable proximity to the So. Cal. area .
  6. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    Thanks Nate,
    for coming and getting some of the ones that will not make it in the Az. outback. It was really great being able to spend some time to discuss stuff with you. Remember if you need some help putting them in the ground just holler. To me the drive is nothing. Again Thanks for coming and giving them a new home.
  7. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Customer NO Service

    Matinius ;

    Sadly this is the new business method ~ once they have your $ , few companies care what you say or do anymore :mad: .

    It would not have cost them much to do the right thing by you and it would have made many more new customers as stories of places doing the right thing , spread like wildfire .

    Instead , they chose to loose much more in possible sales so they could keep the few hundred they cheated you out of .

    Never forget this as CCP has people asking about them all the time ., I'm still warning folks away from United 1 Freight Companies after they vandalized my beloved vintage BMW R75/5 SWB Moto , it's been almost twenty years and I've cost them many jobs as I'll never forget they screwed me then stonewalled me until I gave up .
  8. Bilbo

    Bilbo Member

    Jul 4, 2007
    Magnolia, Texas
    Martinius, I ordered a dual master cylinder setup from CPP a while back for my '50 GMC. What I got was clearly marked for, and in the box was, brake set for a '40 something Ford, with overhead pedal mount. I had a terrible time getting them to understand the problem, and I finally told them to give my money back. That took a lot of phone time, and lots of "Southern Diplomacy". (Subtle hints about their family heritage, etc.) Finally got a refund, but it was excruciating. I vowed never to do business with them again, and to dissuade anyone who may ask about them. So Sorry for your troubles. On a brighter note, If you get down near the Houston area, let me know and we can get together, maybe even get 'Kens 50' to show. (I realize the slim liklihood of you travelling the additional 1000 or so miles) ;o) Enjoy your visit to the USA, my Friend.
  9. steve

    steve Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Steering Colunm saver


    The problem with the steering column saver was the listing on their web page provide the wrong directions for ordering, they confused ID with OD, when I called them they tried to explain that there was no difference between OD and ID (inside diameter and Outside Diameter). They were very unprofessional over the phone. They did exchage it however tried to charged me shipping. Once again called and spoken to them bickering over six dollars.

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