Original rear fenders for AD Suburbans are nearly extinct. They are different than panel trucks and pickups. Supposedly someone is doing a repro but I think it's a bait and switch scheme because no one has metal ones, even though they have a part # they never have one but say they can get you a fiberglass one. The right rear on the present project was ripped, double folded, and smashed flat against the body so the guys asked me to find another one. I told them it looked bad for rank amateurs but nothing a real metal man should shirk. They threw down the challenge glove so my canary butt had to handle what my croccodile mouth had stated. Here's what my now aching seven and a half decade old body got done in one day and I'll finish the roll at the bottom tomorrow
Impressive Work Very good Evan ! . Panel Beating seems to be a lost art in the U.S.A. these days . FWIW , my alligator mouth gets me into similar situations constantly when I ask why someone doesn't FIX a thing instead of just replacing it .
My father was fond of saying "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without." Probably nothing like growing up during the depression to give one a sense of perspective.
I could have kept it in one piece but doubt the customer would have wanted to double the bill. Also, to metal work, pick, and file to primer ready would have left a very thin and flimsy section in that area. Practicality sometimes dictates procedure. It's close enough now that one ore two sticks of lead (body solder) will get it primer ready.