Hey you guys! What is a reosonable price to pay fore a rechroming job to do on a aftermarked front bumper guard? You know the ones that where populair in the 60 tees and 70 tees ? I have one and the guy wants 200 dollars fore the job , is that kins expencive ? Martinius.
Chroming Not necessarily too much $ , chroming is a hazardous job & very time consuming to do right plus of course the heavy metals to be rid of , serious PIA Govt. regulation on and on... Posting a picture of what you've got there will also help . Be aware that most low price chrome shops will skip steps leaving you with a chrome that'll fade or peel in a year or two , negating any $ savings .
Not sure if I'm thinking the same thing, but our hosts have new ones for $65/pair...would be a much cheaper and better option unless you're particularly in love with the ones you have... http://www.classicparts.com/1947-54-Bumper-Guards-pr/productinfo/65-211/
Chroming work done ! Front bumper guard rechroming at Cruisin Classics/Chrome shop. Want you guys to know that the rechroming job is done and it looks perfect 3layers means chrome copper layers and its polished to for 200 bucks . A vietnam veteran owns the buisness just outside of Salem city on 2655 Dallas Hwy. NW.The green funky mailboks says where it is because they do not have put up there buisness sign yet. Good luck Martinius.