Hey, Zig, I was in Cheyenne watching their Frontier Days Parade and they had a Jimmy fire truck. Note how neatly they removed the center of that UGLY grill. It's so neat I think maybe the company that made fire truck conversions had an assembly jig. That pump looks big enough to put out a lot of water and is shaft driven off the front of the crank. Also saw a stretch cab AD along with a dropped one. Both quality work and headed towards Sturgis I'd guess since they were in the middle of a pack of bikes. There is still a bunch of AD's on the road because we never went a day without seeing several.
They had to use a G for fire trucks! Every time they tried to make one out of a chevy they couldn't handle the workload! Hahahaha
Fire Trucks When I were a lad , we had a 1928 CHEVROLET fire truck on the farm , it was a pumper but I never recall needing to use it , we'd just make sure it ran O.K. & drive it down to the lake , drop in a suction hose & run the pumps & hoses for a while to make sure it was ready in case of eventual need . That's a very pretty JIMMY there .
Zig's red, white and yellow dream Came across this over on the OldGMCTrucks web site. Hope Ziggy doesn't drool into his keyboard too much.
i didn't think it was possible to "improve" the looks of my truck! But i must say it does look better with at least 1,000 lbs in the bed Those Cab over GMC's are just crazy to me. They are unique to say the least. Look like a pug nose dog or something. I kinda like em oh yeah did you see how heavy duty these GMC trucks are, its cuz they can handle it
G-men Evan~ That is a terrible thing to do to a GMC grille! (Even if they had a good reason...) Bill~ That CO kicks BUTT! (Right colors, too!) Charels~ That's yet another closet G lover that just isn't manly enough to drive the real thing! Thanks for stirring the pot, Evan...
To be really honest about this Paul , I've owned a GMC before, frankly that is the reaon I own Fords and Chevys. Nothing to come out of a closet about for them folks I've stated before I've owned the G however others feel the same way as you can see in the following and they are happy to advertize it Wouldn't you agree
I'm just sayin'~~~~ Don't mess with people. Those passer by types will look at the grille and say, "So THAT'S a GMC! How purrrrrdy!" Then, when they finally DO confront a GMC, They won't be ready for it! They'll feel some shrinkage and think, "DANG, now THAT is MANLY!!! Makes me want to lift bails of hay and down a beer in two swigs! Makes me want to go pump iron and grab a rattler by the fangs! Makes me want to say, 'HELL NO, I AIN'T WASHIN' DISHES!!!" Then they think, "I have GOT to have one, even if I have to lie to get one!"
The 52 really clean looking G in the first picture is the outcome of not wanting to have to beat out the fenders to match up with the grille as seen in photo #2, photos #3 #4 are models of G's that I will have one day, and we know how far you were discussing the move had to be of your front axles with Wolf so it would not look like it would be able to eat popcorn from a coffee cup and get all the kernals out as in photo #5. photo #6 the guy has given up. I just call that shot buck teef #2.
back up to my last post, please... False advertising is just that~ All ya need is a different hood, grille, tailgate(R),and speaker strip that says GENERAL MOTORS... and you can play that plate for real. I'm sure there are LOTS of spare everythings laying around so that CHEVY can become a more manly GMC~
Thanks charles!! Yours as well Gotta love seeing these old truck haulin stuff around! I saw a just gorgeous chevy the other day. Completely restored, Absolutely awesome! These AD's just look perfect no matter what! As long as they are cruising down the road
Thanks back at yah Brain. As you know it gives great pleasure to drive them and get the waves and thumbs up from folks and while passing someone up a long grade. Also when you load them and people can not understand why you are working them,watching their faces is a trip for me. Btw, how is your son doing these days? Enjoy.
haha, i couldn't agree with you more! the guys that loaded me up with wood, gravel,dirt all asked am I sure it will hold. My response always is "Just look under it" They all have come back and said "Oh you'll be fine My son is doing great! He is now over 3 months old and a blast! He smiles at us and it just melts your heart. Loving every minute of it