You should have made a bed that looked like a double wide coffin. I'm sure anyone walking past your campsite a little to close would have to do a double take if they saw a body or two laying in there!
Shirley Sez : Not only won't she ride in it but I'd better not park it out front.... Here she is now :
Btw : I'm not really ' up and about ' ~ I misplaced my cane to-day (leaned it against a Peterbuilt) then forgot where I'd left it and had to hobble about the shop looking for it for 30 minutes or so , by the time I found it , my back was killing me We're (maybe) going camping in Death Valley in March and she was worried I'd take the Hearse...
Why Not ? You silly boy ! . BECAUSE , I want the lovely lady in the above picture to go too and keep me cuddly warm in my tent.... That's why not .
Just So's You'll Know : ALL my vehicles go to Death Valley sooner or later... Even the Metropolitan Nash's and the Honda CT90 Trailbike ...
Back On A Moto BUMP ~ I don't know if I told you alls , back in early 2010 I bought a brandy new Ural Solo sT Moto , it sat for nearly a year but I've been riding it a little bit here & there . When I bought it , I didn't know if I could still ride , it was sort of a ' Hail Mary ' last ditch thing , I didn't really consider what the heck I'd do with a Moto I couldn't ride . Going back over this old thread really brought back some memories , THANK YOU ONE AND ALL for your support over the years .
Congrats Glad to hear! These are the ones I think are super cool! Bob
Actually, Thank YOU, Nate! You have been a great source and wealth of info! I like these old threads also!
I am constantly amazed, amused and gratified to see the help and comradadeship displayed here. Help and humor from Nate, Evan,Old Chebby (to name just a few) and everyone else chipping in is just terrific. Now, if I could only find an old truck to utilize all this info! Maybe I could drop a 235 into my rocking chair-- would that qualify?
Fwiw ; I have learned more here than I can ever give back . Many things , not just old Truck fixing . THANK YOU ALL ! .
Awww, Gosh, I'm tearin' all up here.... I do agree with all, however. I really enjoy all the banter. I'm easily amused. Thanks to all as well, for the guidance.
" Easily Amused " Yeah , me too ! . I have been outwitted by in animate objects from time to time . Did some fiddling on my old '59 Metropolitan FHC to - day , it blew the Auto Tranny's Vacuum Modulator in dense commuter traffic the other day , dense cluods of white(ish) smoke , I couldn't see behind me . I hope to get a new Modulator Monday afternoon .