... you just gotta see this. It may even shame Ken into getting his '50 out in the heat some day. http://blog.hemmings.com/index.php/2011/08/10/mastodon-makes-a-move/ By the way, that's a 302" GMC 'long motor' six cylinder engine with a Hydra-Matic pushing that beast down the track.
They had it at Hershey a couple of years (it may be a regular). I got a T shirt that supported a charity that does automobile restoration/education. There is a strange stairway to the "cockpit". I would like to drive it as well. -Terry
Someone in Sweden bought one of the 10 (I think) and is currently restorring it! It's probably the biggest truck I've ever seen! Klaus
There was one of these listed for sale a couple of months back...not sure if it was on Ebay or somewhere else. Never did check back to see if it sold and if so for how much. Would be pretty cool to own one...just don't plan on winning any drag races with it-