Transmission Pan Removal

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by rereaves, Aug 28, 2011.

  1. rereaves

    rereaves Member

    Aug 20, 2010
    I know this is going to seem like a dumb question but here goes: I have been fighting a transmission pan leak for the last 6 months. The trans is a 350 turbo attached to a 350cid engine in my 47 truck. I recently installed an aluminum pan (made in China) and used a rubber gasket (I did not over torque) pan leaked. I drained the pan and installed a new gasket, pan leaked. I then decided to use "Permatex Ultra Black with no gasket" pan leaked. Now I'm in trouble and need your suggestions, I can not get the pan off. I have beat on the corners with a large rubber hammer, no luck, I have tried to drive a heavy gage chisel face tool (some folks call it a 5 way) it looks a bit like a putty knife, no luck. At this point I could care less if the pan gets damaged (it's going in the trash) I just want to get it off without damaging the transmission mating surface. Help any suggestion would be appreciated.

  2. federale

    federale Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Washington C.H.,Ohio

    Sounds like you are "stuck", pun intended. I'd try using a very thin wide putty knife, driving it into the gap with a hammer. The best remedy I can think of. When you replace the gasket use cork if its available. I never use rubber gaskets on oil pans, transmission pans or valve covers.
  3. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Pan issue

    Pan issue

    Your pan is press made in a mole and once it is tweeked your not gonna get it 100% again. I would delever it back to the store if you still have a warranty on the product, if not you most likely have to take it of and see if it is straigt. You can use a waterhold and line it up! When the pan is of look at the curves/edges underneath the block to, maybe there is a damage along the side there ? Oil resistant permatex is great to use on cork gaskets . I would`nt use rubber there if it is`nt an oil resistant type !

    Good luck Martinius.
  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Tranny Leaks

    I went through this a while back and it turned out the pan wasn't leaking atall ~ the leak was higher and the oil ran down to the pan / tranny joint & traveled along it , making it look like the leak was from the gasket .

    I ripped my hair out trying to find the leak until I realized it wasn't the pan gasket & then dry powdered the sides after washing it hospital clean & dry , the leak was 5" away....

    Just a thunk .
  5. drabo

    drabo Member

    Jun 9, 2003
    Patrick AFB, Florida
    Check the front main seal. You should not see any oil after you remove the inspection cover. Make sure the dip stick is seated properly and the kick down cable is on properly. The last place I would check is the tranny cooler lines. If any of these places leak it will run straight down to your pan.
  6. federale

    federale Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Washington C.H.,Ohio

    Hey drabo. I've been to Patrick AFB many times. My son was stationed there.
  7. rereaves

    rereaves Member

    Aug 20, 2010
    Thanks Nate and All who replied. I finally got the pan off, driving a putty knife between the pan and trans housing. I went through two putty knifes and several razor blades before I finally was successful, no more permatex black without a gasket for me. I installed a B&M deep aluminum pan with a cork gasket. I have not finished all the stuff under the truck so have not installed fluid and checked YET. If this does not fix the problem then I will do as you and others have suggested and look closer for additional leak points.

    Thanks everyone

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