I'm wanting to shorten the wheelbase on my truck and need to know if I should narrow the rear clip going in. Like some other eyes to look at these measurements on the frame and see if it looks right. From the rear end of the frame to just under the rear on the cab measures 74". Cutting it there will remove the worst of the frame rust. Cutting from that line down and back at 30 degree angle. The frame at that point measures 37 3/8" wide. The frame measures 48 1/2" from cut to axle center line. And frame is 44 1/4" wide at that point, and 46" wide at the rear. The S-10 frame clip measures 40 1/2 " wide at the front, 40 1/2" at axle center line and 40" and the rear. I have plenty of length to get my cab to axle center line length correct. I want to remove approx. 10" in the wheelbase, and have a max of 14" to work with between the front of the fender and the front stake pocket. I will be going with a 4 link set up of some sort so spring perch location is not a concern. Any advise on how to go about this would be greatly appreciated, or any problem you might see coming as this is my first time in doing this.
Thinking a Gasser look and the bed needs to be a little shorter I think to look right, and since the rear of the frame has rust damage nows the time to do it, right?