Hi there folks ! Anyone knows where they manufacture the aluminum Fenton dual intake manufold ? Is it USA made or a foreign brand ? Martinius.
Looks like Vintage Speed owns the rights to Edmunds and build the stuff here in the states if we're talking about the same company from back in the 60's.
Anyone who thinks that the new cast aluminum intakes are actually being made in the U.S. has no idea what they are talking about. All of the aftermarket cast aluminum intakes are coming out of the same factory/foundry in Taipei Taiwan. If these manifolds were made in the States..... they would be so expensive to make.... no one would ever buy them because they would retail in the $500-$600 range. https://talk.classicparts.com/showthread.php?t=11899
We have sold a butt load of them over the last few years now with no complaints Nate. Which reminds me.... We keep hearing guys saying " If only they would reproduce this part or that part"... So the guys that make the parts take the time to invest in the tooling & costs to manufacture the parts requested & all we hear is bitchin' & moanin' that they are not made in the states... & if the parts were made in the states we would hear nothin' but bitchin' & moanin' about how expensive the parts are. It is getting to the point where the parts makers don't want to make parts because they are damned if they do & damned if they don't. Just be happy that someone spent a buttload of money to tool up for the parts YOU requested & be happy that they can be delivered to your doorstep in days for a reasonable price. Or.... you could dig a hole in the dirt in your back yard & melt down some aluminum & try to cast your own damn parts.
Questionable Well......if many more of us go un-employed or underemployed, we won't be buying the imported ones either! If I look for US Made products around the supermarket I can usually find them at a similar price. I think we have been brainwashed into thinking we can't manufacter or compete, and our politicos can't get their acts togather. Just my $.02 worth. Martinius, are you on the warpath again? Gonna tear up someones consumer relations department I'll bet. Rock-on! Flashlight
Just intrested guys. Fenton dual intake. I am just intrested guys as i allready have ordered the setup but i have to admit that i have been waiting such a long time ( 7 months at least) and still have not got my parts. My supplier says that they dont have them on the shelf yet but they ordred them from Taipei maybe ? I am shore the quality is good anaugh though. They still make them in smaller series , the Edmunds manifold and belonging parts in the USA as far as i know. Thanks for the contribution Martinius.
Has you supplier bothered to check on the status for you, could he be your weak link? Sound strange that its taking 7 months. Supin' no riiight in Taipei...... ;-)
Not understanding why your "supplier" has strung you along for 7 months now with no results. We have 'em on the shelf & ready to ship https://talk.classicparts.com/showthread.php?t=11899
Thanks guys for your responce. I have send them a note today to check on the status. I want to thank you for your information Deadzone T. I`ll contact you incase of no responce. What do you sell them for complete with the linkage ? Martinius.