for the life of me, I can not find anything on the web about fleetside beds. part of it is where it meets the bed wood has rusted away, but for the most part everything else looks good. Can I get side pieces to replace this? Do I look for a completely new bed? Or can the rusted areas of the bed be repaired/welded to save some money.
Can you take a picture to show us. The last I've checked they do not sale after market fleetside beds or patch panels for them. I've been known to do a little metal fab and rust repair so if you take a pic I could give you some suggestions. I've seen very little that could not be repaired and a lot of stuff that its not worth being repaired but I chose to do it anyway to test The bed can be repaired, but the question is how much work is it to repair so post a pic.
I did find one bed side on the internet for about $2000 - too rich for me. Then as luck would have it, I happened upon a '59 that had been in a front end accident. Picked the whole thing up cheap.