General build discussion; what, how, and why?

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Purec4, Oct 30, 2011.

  1. Purec4

    Purec4 Member

    Aug 23, 2011
    Kingsport, TN
    This is what I feel to be my first real build. After messing with VW's for the last 15 years and modifying my daily for years this is a ground up build for me. Working on the truck for the last month or so and trying to figure out just what I have has been fun. Getting the courage up to just cut things out and make my own pieces to repair it has been a challenge for me. I've read and looked through your trucks here, other forums, and magazines trying to decide on a look. This is a really tight budget build, want it to be a truck I can drive anytime, use as a truck when needed. An S10 frame swap is really not my first choice, but not out of the question. My welding abilities are questionable at best for anything I would consider a safety point of view. So thats not an option for me and would have to be farmed out for any frame work which means $$$. I really want to keep the straight axle front end, but that limits how far it can be lowered. S10 frame cheap to lower, but then I need a motor, $$$ again.
    So long made short.. I have looked but not found any pics of a 47/54 pickup done gasser style. Thinking I can keep my front suspension, work the six while saving money for a big block down the road. I have to make bed sides as mine are really rough and can shorten them for a bobbed look. Or have someone attach the rear half of an S10 frame I have that is set up for a triangulated 4 link as my frame has some rust issues where the rear of the cab mounts. So advise away PLEASE!!!!!:D:D
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2011
  2. 3/4 gmc 1952

    3/4 gmc 1952 Member

    May 16, 2011
    Claremont, NH
    You will certainly get lots of responses with many different ideas but if Nate gets his hands on you you'll end up with a straight stock truck that you will likely be very happy with. When I first bought my bucket o truck my plan was disc brakes on the front, camaro rear end, 350 with a 700r4 tranny. After gathering some parts and reading a lot more I now have a 228 engine, haven't changed any of the running gear and am very excited about what it will be when I finish. With all that being said go with your heart. Whatever it ends up as the joy of knowing you did it will be immense. I can't offer you much on the technical end as this is my first build as well but i can say whenever I get perplexed I can always find the answer from this fine group of individuals! Best of luck to you and post up lots of pictures. We all love the truck porn.
  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Make Up Your Mind First

    As S-10 frame & four link suspension , lowered , so on , means it will never , EVER be useful as a truck again .

    No matter what the dreamers try to tell you , it'll be a two seater Coupe with an open trunk then .

    This isn't necessarily a bad thing ,just be aware of the truth of the matter before you begin to make changes .

    NO ONE uses a Hot Rod pickup to haul after the first few attempts .

    NO ONE .
  4. bigtimjamestown

    bigtimjamestown Member

    Jan 11, 2010
    Jamestown Ca.
    Build two of them, one for haulin S%^t and one for hualin ass.....:D
  5. Purec4

    Purec4 Member

    Aug 23, 2011
    Kingsport, TN
    Barely have the funds to do this one much less two!:p

    Nate, your probably right but there has to be a fine line somewhere to do a little of both. Not wanting to to haul anything crazy, just yard stuff, occasional engine...LOL the dogs for a ride. Just so I dont have to stuff plants, 2x4's and things into my SRT4.
  6. Lakeroadster

    Lakeroadster Member

    Jan 23, 2011
    Central Colorado
    My advice is keep searching the internet until you find a photo of a truck that is what really gets you entusiastic about your truck. Then stay focused on that build concept.

    Some guys like bone stock trucks, some customs, some Hot Rods. Regardless of which way you go there will be neighsayers... the rules are there ain't no rules.

    I know numerous guys with lowered trucks that use their trucks. My lowered truck was a shop trucks for a local Hot Rod Shop when I bought it. They routinely hauled motors, transmissions, rear axles and other such components in it. My Model T Ford Roadster pickup is a Hot Rod and will haul twice the load of a stock Model T Ford Roadster Pickup. That's what I mean about there aren't any rules. I guess that makes me the "no one" that Nate referred to in his above post. It's all good and there is room for everybody.

    The gasser concept you eluded to sounds cool, and if you were to try to keep it period correct and stick with the six banger, dressing it out, I am thinking the truck would draw a bigger crowd than the big block you mentioned. But the big block would be cool to.

    Thanks for your post. Have fun with your project, remember it's a journey and not a destination so enjoy the build. Looking forward to seeing how things progress.

    Last edited: Oct 30, 2011
  7. Purec4

    Purec4 Member

    Aug 23, 2011
    Kingsport, TN
    Thanks all.
    John, my one reservation in going gasser style was some told me that the six wouldn't fit with the gasser style. And try as I might I have not found a gasser done with this series truck.....:confused: Love to have a picture of one to see how it would look and maybe end up as my motivation.
  8. ol' chebby

    ol' chebby Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    i call bullshxt!

    Doing what it was meant to do....
    Hauling the 53 bed remnants...

    600 sq feet of flooring....$2500 in there...more than I paid for the truck.

    Hauling wood and trim for my home addition.

    You asked for it Nate!



    Last edited: Oct 30, 2011
  9. Lakeroadster

    Lakeroadster Member

    Jan 23, 2011
    Central Colorado
  10. Purec4

    Purec4 Member

    Aug 23, 2011
    Kingsport, TN
    The GMC on page 4 looks great, thanks first pic of one of these I've seen built into a gasser look. Maybe this is where I try and go with it since it looks good. Only on a little cheaper scale then that one appears to been built on :D

    Ol'Chebby love the look of your's also, may have to take a ride and come visit sometime; maybe pickup some pointers before going headlong into this.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2011
  11. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    In The End

    YOU are footing the bill so build it how you like .

    Russ is one of the 1 %'ers who'll actually use his truck as such , few do , once they try to haul one load of bricks or sod , whatever for that home project , that's it ~ the rig goes up for sale soon thereafter .

    How many here are still driving their old working trucks after lowering ? few indeed , I'm still driving and enjoying my more or less stock trucks close to 60 years later.....

    Take the time to see what *can* be done then follow your heart .
  12. Purec4

    Purec4 Member

    Aug 23, 2011
    Kingsport, TN
    Thanks Nate,
    This being a major build for me I'm needing all the help I can get; as my desires far exceed my abilities. And as Dirty Harry once said " a mans got to know his limitations!" I want something different this time around and want to go as far as my abilities can take me without distroying the truck. Building the new floor has been an experience not having the best tools to work with and working from home made halfa$$ paper templets, but happy with the results. I'm sure to many thats no big thing, but for me it was a step. After the cab is done the next thing will be frame and thats where more info and help will be needed.
    Thanks all, guess I'm all in on a old school Gasser build.
  13. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Gasser Pickup

    Cool ! .

    be sure to take scads of pictures to document your build .

    You may think it's no big deal but everyone else will be greatly impressed .
  14. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Don't forget~ you can put on a 1/2 ton axle (if you don't already have one) and add dropped spindles and run slightly shorter height tires up front for a way down look. BUT... If you want to use it as a truck, some things may be impractical...
  15. ol' chebby

    ol' chebby Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    Come on down! I have a new shop...Classic Speed and Custom in Charlotte, we can handle any part of the build you don't feel comfortable with.

    Gasser could be cool. Drop the back just a little, then jack the front. Plenty can be done to give that 6 a nostalgic hot rod look and some performance upgrades. Pie crusts in back, slots and skinnies up front, some race lettering on the side.....let 'er rip!

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