'56 Rack and Pinion Options

Discussion in '1955-1959' started by jon0249, Oct 20, 2011.

  1. jon0249

    jon0249 Member

    Jun 11, 2008
    Dallas, Texas USA
    Okay, after having read every thread on power steering options, it would seem that someone out there has figured out what rack and pinion assembly would work! Running stock 235 and suspension, can't stand the steering and would like to swap to a manual rack-and-pinion setup, with option to add a pump later. Anybody know what donor rack would fit and work?
  2. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    It isn't manual and it isn't a junk yard swap, but have you looked at No-Limit Engineering's R&P kit?

    The only reason I haven't spent the bucks on one myself is because of the driver's side starter mount on my GMC V8. Shouldn't be an issue with your passenger's side mounted 235 starter. I need to see on installed and do a LOT of measuring of the connection between the R&P and the steering column before I spend the bucks.
  3. jon0249

    jon0249 Member

    Jun 11, 2008
    Dallas, Texas USA
    I have looked at that and others, Bill, and like you, I'm a bit apprehensive about the price of those kits. I guess it's the cheapskate in my DNA that keeps me from dropping that kind of cash. And I have 3 daughters to put through college...
  4. AZ58Cameo

    AZ58Cameo Member

    Dec 12, 2008
    Payson Arizona
    I Feel Your Pain! Daughter In her Third Year Nursing School,Oldest Son In His First Year Of College and (Double Trouble!Twin Boys,) Soon To College In 3-YRS
    My Build Projects are on a Very SLOW HOLD!!!!!
    I Call All 4-Kids My Retirement Project They are Going To have To Take Care Of Me When I Get OLD:D
  5. jon0249

    jon0249 Member

    Jun 11, 2008
    Dallas, Texas USA
    I hear ya, Cameo.

    From all the custom builds that are described in painstaking detail on this forum, I'm surprised that no one has blazed this trail. I haven't spent a lot of time figuring out all the obstacles, but it looks like I'm about to. Here are the variables that I can think of now - feel free to chime in...

    1. Without a change in the stock steering column, I'll have to terminate the column just inside the engine compartment. Somewhere I've seen a kit that does that, so this is a matter of ordering the right parts, including the u-joints, standoffs and double-D shafts that will allow me to connect to a R&P.

    2. Not sure if the R&P assembly would have to be mounted in front or rear of the cross member, or if there would have to be brackets to situate it at the proper angle to avoid interference with suspension components.

    3. I suspect that the range of motion would have to be a minimum amount, which could be easily measured. Not having a super tight stock turning radius, I can't imagine this would be a problem. The tie rods would have to be custom built, but in the grand scheme, how difficult could this be using existing parts, connected to the new tie rods via lap joint and 2-3 bolts?

    4. Not sure if a power R&P setup can be used in a manual setup. My thought is that it could be, with a pump added later when I have the 283 ready to drop in.

    5. Steering shaft clearance - does anyone run a R&P now with a SBC? What kind of clearance issues did you run into? I thought the starter on an older SBC ('66 283 ci) was on the passenger side as well?

    Any other considerations?

    Thanks for your ideas!


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