If you wonder why Ken's 50 isn't on here, I'll take the blame for that. Apparently I made one too many cracks about his truck not existing. I was just trying to have fun with him, but I guess my funnin' wasn't funny. I really think his truck kicks butt and *when* I make it down Texas way, I hope he'll see me at the door with a Texas sized beer. With it already opened. Right out of an ice cold chest. Followed by a ride in said truck... Hey, I can dream, can't I??? I'm serious about the reason he's not on here.
Gone Fishing Ziggy, Don't fret about Ken. This is the time of year he takes off and goes fishing along the lower Texas Coast. He will return with fish pictures. Go finish up your "G" so you can come down to Texas. You can pick up the second beer in Texas from my place when you get here. Jim
I talked to Ken twice last week. He is doing well and will shortly be spending a week "home" in Tennessee. He had his two youngest Grand Kids (2 years & 6 months) on Saturday, so he once again begged off going to the Saturday night shine & show.
Thanks, Jim You know I will take you up on that! Great fish picture! Reminds me of all that great fishing I had down in Florida. Right now I'm getting things ready for the disc brake application, so I'm still a ways away.
He didn't say anything about signing off of this site? Hmmm. Well, he probably couldn't stand seeing that G of yours get another award...