The steering wheel for the truck was real rough and new I would need one at some point and this showed up on CList. Got it cheap and just need to figure out how to adapt it to the stock steering column. It's an 18" mahogany and chrome. Be a nice touch to the truck down the road. 40.00 cant have gone to off the deep end..:.. Haven't measured the spline but looks to be about an inch.
TOUCHDOWN!!!!!!!!!! Nice wheel. Is it a GRANT or what? What type of adpter and horn button does it have? Either way hope it fits and if you feel bad about steeling it please let me know and I will remove the guilt from you.
It is actually a Peterbilt wheel model PBR 9303 wood and chrome 18". only marking I find on it is Hana
Post up some photos of it with the horn button removed, maybe with some dimensions of the hole pattern.
Steering Wheel Is the splined hub removable ? . Usually these dressup items are made by standard manufacturers (Grant Etc.) so they're adaptable to most anything once you figure out who made it and get the correct adapter . Good score ! .
Hana is the maker of the wheel, found it on their web site and a few others; it 200.00+ steering wheel. May have just solved my problem, we have a semi truck salvage yard here and I'm going there when I get off work to get the last foot or so of a Peterbilt steering column. then weld the two shafts together and not have an adapter with a little luck. Any advice or comments?
bad and good news. Went to the semi yard and didn't have the right size. Now for the good part, The hub seems to be removable by three bolts so there may be another way of adapting it. I'll see if the old steering wheel hub can be removed and used. Here are some pictures for your thoughts..
Begin Looking ! Go to the kiddie Hot Rod store , you know : where they sell cheap lights and chrome mufflers , not real go fast stuff , they'll have a wide variety of steering wheels & adapters , search through the boxes of adapters until you find one that matches your spline & the steering wheel .
If I remember right, those offset wheels on a stock column sat up to close to the driver making you feel like the wheel was up in your face....
Guess it's doesn't matter much now, truck is up for sale. Fun while it lasted, will continue to finish a few small things up untill it sells as time permits. Thanks guys