I need to finally tackle my fuel system. The original in-cab tank was replaced years ago (82?) with a custom under-bed 25 gal tank. That tank always had fill problems, plus it was uuuug-lee Now that it's rusted, I need to replace it. What I'd really like is to put the original style in-cab tank back into it, but one made of stainless steel. I cant find one of those. There's a guy here that installed a '52 chev tank in his '65, but I don't have his skills or welding equip. Super clean install though Here is his link http://www.chevytalk.org/fusionbb/showtopic.php?tid/259172/post/new/#NEW So what have you guys done?
Well that guy is a genious! (Just kidding, I know the guy as well as anybody and he ain't no genious....) Here is a thread with some ideas: http://67-72chevytrucks.com/vboard/showthread.php?t=453832&highlight=gas+tank Good luck!
Well incab tanks are cool. But if I had a rear tank I would keep it. Just make a few adjustments to make it fuel right. It is always nice to have the extra weight in the rear for traction and the extra space behind the bench is nice. But if you want to put the oem tank back in the LMC or classicparts has all the stuff to do that.
In Cab Fuel Tanks If you buy a new , repop fuel tank , be SURE to have it cleaned out and lined before you install it as they're notorious for leaking at the pinchwelds . Also be aware that your old truck is a death trap and the in cab tank makes it triply so ~ I use them in all my trucks but , having worked on many horrible fire jobs , I know 1000 % what the risks are . If you get centerpunched , you'll die a horrible death that's the fact , Jack .