Time passes and crap happens sometimes, if I can't hear I can't work. But what hurts/pisses me off is insurance won't help, workers comp doesn't help, but if you don't work the Government will give me a cell phone at no charge. Or if I lose my job they can get me hearing aides, food stamps, unemployment, retrain me for a new career at 56years old, but not just help me with hearing aids. What the H#**! At any rate I'm putting the 54 up for sale, not going to part it out it's an all or nothing kinda thing. Thank you all for your input, advice, and encouragment. I think what I'm asking is a fair price with all that goes with it, maybe I'm dreaming but I know what I need to try and get out of it. Also selling my collection of HotWheels and other small diecast, mostly VW but some hotrods too. If time permits I hope to finish up small things I'm in the middle of and get the cab mounted back on the frame. Have it posted in the for sale section for details on it, See what happens next? Again many thanks, you're a great bunch. Who knows maybe I'll hit the lottery, guess that would mean buying a ticket huh? Take care, wishing you all a safe and Happy Holiday Season coming up. Greg
Leaving So Soon ? Best of luck Greg ; We'll be here . Just careful assembly will net you a fun running old truck in jig time . Do the Hot Rod thing later on .
Re:Hearing PureC, I see you are in the Kingsport area. Have you been in the paper business by any chance? Sorry to see that things are not going well for you, seems you just joined us. Too far away for me, but what are you asking for the truck?
Never been on the paper business, work at the local hospital. I was looking forward to this being a lot of fun putting it together over time. But things dont always work out. But if I cant get close to what I'm asking it won't help to sell it. I may have to put it aside and just borrow all the funds and hope for the best, but that will be hard on the budget. Right now I hope it sells as that would be best. Can always find another one down the road, see how it goes. And to answer your question I listed it at 3800.00 or best offer and when I see rusted out ones going for ahlf of that and now including all the restoration parts I'm including I think its fair price... we'll see. Thamks
Dont flag out rather stay ! I am sorry to here of your situation and i understand that it sucks . Probebly many of us have faced the same situation. But we have to survive , stay alife and have those bucks wich keeps allmost everything going on except from friendship . Lets start here instead of waving you goodbye i`d think we could invite you to come back using this forum , the way you did before. I am not in the position to buy your truck as i live in Norway and i am not a rich guy either when it concerns to big bucks. Allthough our priminister thinks different about that issue. Its a fact that in the Norwegian society ordinary people dont get any compensation or money values of that state oil money. I`ll gues its the same in the US that most people have to take care of them selves to provide living and to keep up there living standards ? Offcourse i can ask you to stay on this forum and thats what i `ll do. Everyone is welcome here on this forum truck or no truck it does `nt matter. I`ll hope you get a good price for the truck , maybe that much that you even can buy another one in the future , who knows ? Hope things get sorted out for you , all the very best wishes from Norway. Dont flag out rather stay.
Thanks Blueflame. It just sucks when you work all your life, most of it two jobs to support your family and try to have a good life: and there comes a time you need help from a system you have paid into all these years and can't get it. Main reason being is that I work! Lay out and do nothing I can get all the benifits I could ask for and then some. But I'm the moron who gets up every morning doing the right thing like the rest of you here and goes to work. And the pisser is the damaged done to my hearing is work related! Like a lot of us I dont have an extra 4 to $5,000.00 just laying around. And really don't want to borrow the money with things the way they are for the hearing aids. So it will be what it is, if the truck sells good. If not I'll cross that bridge when the time comes. Thanks again
Don't give up!!! Life's not over and you don't have to be 100% to enjoy a ride in a old truck....: Best of luck....Big Tim
Not over, just pissed! is all. Tired of fighting the system, it's designed to help those who won't help themselves. I just want to be able to do my job without the constant having to ask people to repeat themselves. Till it sell's I keep playing with the parts I have for it and work on it for therapy. More done for whoever buy it. Such is life.
You're NOT Alone ! Many across America are in the same boat right now . The ' system ' is set up to serve the RICH - not those who won't work . Poor folks have it bad , just like the Great Depression . Hang tough , we're AMERICAN and when the going gets tough , we get going . I hope I don't wind up living in a trailer attached to my old truck but I can if needs be .
You're right about that, I see it every day. People ( young people) who don't work but draw food stamps, go out and get pregnant and wait with their hand out for the system to put them in a program that gives them money, food stamps, and a place to live for 60.00 a month. Then they go down and get their medical marijuana card for their fictitious ailments and now they are able to grow up to I think it's 9 plants legally and they are selling this stuff Illegally and tax free and making more money than you and I together and have no intentions of ever getting out of the system. This is a very sore subject with me. I wish you the best of luck and don't give up but develop a attitude about it put your foot down and stay strong. Remember, when dealing with the system "It's the squeaky wheel that gets the oil"....Big Tim
Big Tim thanks, I plan on being squeeky. Never have had a problem with helping those who can't help themselves, but I do have a problem with those who won't. Maybe I'm to jaded from my years as a Bail bondsman where I had as many repeat customers as McDonalds...... 10 years of that and I was over it. My father did it for over 30 years, and at one time was the oldest active bondsman in Fl. and retired at 89, then only because he couldn't see well enough to drive to the jail and I had quit. And Nate we can agree to disagree on some things, the system helps the rich I'm sure, but I don't remember the last time a poor man was able to give me a job. If we get government under control and out of our pockets things will straighten out...... OK now off my soap box. Sorry
It saddens me to hear of Americans doing without when there was $ for us before we had, Two damn wars going on, Banks giving people money to buy 1/2 million $ homes that could not pay rent on a room by the week. Wall street spending money on those bundled home loans that were sold to the rent by the week people, CEO's that pay no income tax as you or I, (I paid 40% of my wages last yr. to income tax) that make 3 thousand to 13 thousand an hour, oil at or close to 100 $ a barrel, nothing made here anymore so there is no gross national product going out, federal government allowing people from all over the world sneak in here and bottom feed off the programs that were designed to help those that worked to put it there if they fell on hard times, is a reason we are in a shit hole. And all that has cause is now the pot of gold is empty at the end of the rainbow, the people that the feds are allowing in should go home because again the pot of gold is F'in empty, the stock market is still pulling the purse strings, the banks were baled out and refuse to let any money out, What few of us that still have a job with a pension, have people that the media have turned on us because the media is owned by the son of a bitches the are making over 3 thousand dollars an hour and not paying any damn taxes , to think that the people that still have a job and pay taxes are the problem!! I truly hope things turn around so you can keep and enjoy the pickup. Take care and be safe, Charles
Bottom line, purec4 (I get a "bang" out of that name!) you don't have the money to fix up your truck. If you have the room to store it, don't give up on it. There is SO much scraping, priming, and painting to do, you could put years into it with little money. I had my truck dropped off in 2004. It's 2011, and it hasn't changed a bunch, but what I have is looking good to me, and *someday* it WILL be on the road. I've worked extra jobs and the real pi$$er is, all that money went to household and NOT my truck. God knows what I wan't, and sooner or later, it will happen. Keep the faith.