Trying to put my distributor in, I get it slid in and I can't get it to fall that last half inch into the oil pump. I have tried for hours. Any suggestions or tricks. I don't think anything is bent, I would hate to buy new and have same problme.
After you drop the distributor in try rotating the engine by hand or with a socket and ratchet on the dampener while gently pushing down on the distributor and it should drop in to place. You are having trouble getting the distributor to line up with the oil pump. Do not spin the engine using the starter cause you could cause damage.... Big Tim
Dizzy Install What , er , the BIG GUY said . The deal is : the slot on the oil pump , isn't quite lining up with the tab on the end of the dizzy drive because as the gear meshes , the dizzy turns a few degrees and messes up the *perfect* mesh you have set it up for . Just slowly pull the dizzy out until it stops turning , rotate it one degree or so and try again ~ once you get it ' just so ' , it'll plop right in ~ no amount of forcing it will work . I use a bent up coat hanger to position the oil pump's drive slot . BTW : sorry Big Tim I just HAD to do it ! .
No problem Nate, either way will work. My way is the last resort when you can't do it your way and you've had enough and just want to go for a ride already. ...Big Tim
Funny Thing , That : I was driving my metropolitan Nash FHC to - day and the dizzy somehow popped out of it's clamp... As I'd left it @ my buddy's house overnight I strongly suspect it had some help I wheezed it on home and did a tune up , I yank the dizzy so replacing the points is easier anyways , as long as it was out I dressed the clamp a little bit , seems O.K. now but I too had to line up the oil pump drive tang..... .
In I think? Ok, so I had it in there, moved the crank and it dropped a little. The only thing is, I had the vacum advance all the way up tight to the top of the distributor, and it is still about 3/8 inches away from being down to the block. Does the VA have to be all the way to the top, or can it slide down some? Or do I not have it in yet?
It depends, while you had the distributor out, did you move the vacuum advance up from it's original location? If so then you can move it back to where it was and see if the distributor is down all the way. If not then the distributor is not down all the way...
Well I replaced the V. A. on the distributor and cleaned everything up, so am not sure if it was all the up or not. Thanks
Just : Watch the oil pressure gauge when you start the engine ~ it should (must !) come up off the peg as soon as the engine revs over idle speed . if not , go take the dizzy back out & try again .
Lol ! You said it . I knew an Englishman who ignored this simple test & seized up his nearly new Brand 'F' 1967 Falcon , this was about 1969 or so..... He made it out to the Highway & a few miles away before the crankshaft locked up , boy howdy was he P.O.'d ! . A few moments of running won't damage it but if no oil pressure , STOP and figure out why .