Yes! Amen~ This would even make a Chevy look tough! I love the thought you put into the interior. W-A-Y cool! Sure am glad you joined this site.
Midnight Rose... WOW She is a beauty.. I am working on my 52 GMC with my Dad. we do not have a seat and after looking at yours can you tell me where you got yours? I really like the idea of yours so much better than the old ones that come in the trucks. Thanks for sharing, Karen
Hi Karen...good to hear from you!!! I've had a tremendously busy fall, and have not even had time to check in on the forum lately. Just returned from a weeklong trip to Tokyo last night, and will be off to Corpus Christi Texas Monday night until the weekend, then to California the next. Barely have time to check in at home lately!!! I ended up modifying the original seat in the 52, and it worked quite nicely. I made the back to pivot forward, putting latches to keep it upright when I didn't want to access behind the seat. (I moved the gas tank to the rear frame, trying to get a bit more storage space in the cab). Although the back appears to be "split", it is really still one piece, but I formed light pipe/conduit to frame out two separate halves, with an opening in the center to put a fold-down arm rest. The foam was retrieved from an old 70's vintage Chrysler car; trimmed down to fit the size of the GMC. When I have a minute, I'll get some images together to post so you can see the process a bit better. If you have basic welding ability, you can certainly do what I did. If I don't get the info up soon, PM me or give me an email...I tend to forget things I promise to do!!! Good to see you're coming along with your project!!! Cheerio- Tom