anybody here know of a kandy apple red 2 stage paint? not looking for excact match to 3 stage kandy apple just close enough. going to be driving my truck alot, then goes to my son when he turns 16. sure there will be some scraches and bumps- i am told that 3 stage is a pain to touch up. ol'chebby any thoughts?
You can get a candy like effect by stepping down your paint mix. First spray 100% red, then 90% red 10% clear, 75-25, 50-50, 25-75, and 100% clear. Anything close to that. It won't be candy but it will give you a paint job with depth like candy by allowing light to past through miltiple translucent layers.
Look into a factory candy like color from a modern car, but true candy is 3 stage, no shortcuts. Silver or gold base, candy coats, clear.
thanks guys- found a kandy apple red from House of Kolor their shimmerin 2 line- talked to them and they said it should be real close, so i ordered a sample-