Hey Chevy Buffs, What's your oppinion on which way to go. New or Rebuilt hinges.. Does it matter? Where's the best place to get parts or to buy new? Thanks.. Appreciate your help.
You Loaded? I don't know what new hinges cost or if they are as strong as original. But from a shear cost perspective I'd rebuild, its just a pin and bushing as I recall which are reasonable. Besides that if your doors are fitting pretty well to body, just ask anyone here what a PIA it is to get things back again. Mark your old hinge positions. Flashlight
I bought a rebuild kit with over sized pins and bushings. I did not need to use the bushing, just drilled out the hinged for the new pins. It was not that hard,and results were what I was looking for. herman quail
I rebuilt mine about a month ago. I sandblasted them and put new pins and springs in them.. Very easy job.. I think it was around 20 bucks to do both sides. It did take some heat to get the old pins out. Everyone that has looked at them thought they were new. I am also very pleased.. I order my pins and springs from our host Classic Parts.
Clean and rebuild unless you can find a deal like i did from someone here. I have bought hinges, door locks, catches and switches............. ALL CHINA TRASH! I have taken the old ones and cleaned and rebuilt them cause they work better, fit better and are by far stronger. I could have saved money and head akes especially the door catches, you have to take everything apart and start all over again. Getting a door adjusted is hard enough, but with cheep/expensive catches ,locks and hinges it makes the job that much harder! 2 cents Good lock
I agree with the group. I bought the rebuild pins/bushings from our host. Sand blasted, knocked out the old pins, ran a drill through the holes as needed to fit the oversize pins, installed new pins, and painted. Look and work like they were new.