Hello All, I am looking for some engine specs for rebuilding my motor. I have a small block 400 Im putting together for my '67 C-20 pickup. As near as I can tell from the casting number it is a '79 year block, if it makes any difference (two bolt main). I am looking for torque specs, bearing clearences so I can plastiguage the bearings properly, etc. Any numbers will definitly help out. Thank you for any info anyone can provide. You can e-mail the info to me, it will reach me quicker that way as I check email several times a day at lugnut@crestviewcable.com . I greatly appreciate any info. Thank you. Tim
RE: Looking There is a book out there called Building Smallblock Chevy Engines I believe that's the title, and it's pretty useful in that aspect. I've seen it before in bookstores. You might try there.
RE: Looking for a lot of specs for http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2446383923&category=6760 HOW REBUILD SMALL BLOCK CHEVY ENGINE ...new Item number: 2446383923 Two days left