I recently found a 54 Chevy 6500 crew cab. It's mostly there. Doesn't run obviously and no title. No bed either. Any ideas what it's worth? And, how many did they make, I've never seen one before. Here is a picture
There were no crew cabs trucks produced from GM but ,there were a lot of coach companies that built them & converted trucks in aftermarket.
Crew Cabs That's a rare beast because they were mostly bought by Utilities and Munincipalities then worked to death.... If it's not rusted to scrap , I'd suggest $500 ~ $1,000 depending . Title shouldn't be any problem .
yes to all the above that is TWICE as sweet! and if it were a GMC, it would be worth double that! put a short box on the back and just do it. It begs to be saved. If you pass on it, let us know where it is and maybe someone else can save it. Thanks for sharing it.