I have the ignition,glove box,and both door handles for my 53 chevy. I don't have any keys. 1)Is it possible to get new keys,and did this truck come with more than one cut of keys. what do I have to do to get new keys for this truck 2) with the stock ignition that worked with a push button starter ,I am changing to a v-8, 12 volt. What do I do, keep original key ignition, I add a push button starter or change the ignition to one that has a start function. Thanks Steve
Steve- These trucks originally used the same key for all three locations. If you have any record of the original key number, a locksmith can create a new one for you from scratch. Otherwise, I'm not sure. As far as your switch, it is entirely up to you. Before I realized that the 6v and 12v starters had different gears, I was going to use a key start 12v starter. I went to my FLAPS and picked up a key start switch that fit in the dash without alteration.
This is where the original GM dealership Master key ring steps in to save the day. Never had a lock on a truck yet... that didn't match a key on this ring.
I have no information on the numbers of the original key. Now what?? Dead zone- are you saying take the lock to a chevy dealer?? steve
The GM dealers no longer stock master key rings from trucks from the 50's. I am lucky enough to have a GM master key ring from the 40's & 50's & once I find a key on the ring that fits a lock..... I just go & get a copy of that key made for $1 at Ace hardware. If you don't have the luxury of a GM master key ring.... you will have to take each lock cylinder into a locksmith & hope he don't rake you across the coals to make a key that fits your cylinders.
Remove the door or glove box lock (less wear on them) and take it to a decent locksmith who will make you a new key (might as well get two). It will cost more if you stand there waiting for it.
Keys That's a nice ring of keys but it's not a dealer master set . There's myriad ways to get keys , any competent Locksmith can make you one for $6 , then the usual $1.50 copies . If the Locksmith wants to gouge you , ask for the Auto Club discount . Or , take the lock cylinder to all the thrift & antique stores in your area and begin trying the dozens of old GM keys they'll have lying around , same deal in any swap meet , there's always lots of rings of keys , ask first how much for an old key , then if they say a reasonable price , begin testing them . Most used car lots have large amounts of random keys too . Don't replace the original ignition switch , just get a heavy duty pushbutton from your FLAPS , they all carry them .
I was thinking of going to a lock smith, hope we have a good one in Asheville N.C. I was hoping to here that I should keep the original ignition switch. Thanks for the help guys. Steve
I was able to take the off-on-start cylinder from the key start era and with my dremel grind the three grooves that secure it to the original backing from the oriiginal, then with washers i think that were 1 1/4 or an 1/8th from farm co-op, build it up as needed and stuck it through the original hole in the dash. Use the chrome lock ring to hold the washers tight. looks great and I don't need to carry channel locks around anymore when the after market cheapy comes loose.
ORR!!! Nates idea of making the old foot pedal starter into a starter button was cool too. He's pretty keen for an old feller.
I dropped of the two door handles off to the lock smith. H will make a key and make sure both door handles are keyed alike then he will check it on the glove box and ignition. he will do this for $20-25, not quite the $6 that Nate thought. Steve
i don.t know if the door handles are from the same truck? I have been gathering parts since 1987. not complaining just talking. steve
I heard a complant Well...Just sayin'....I overheard a guy at the swap meet say "Nate still had the first dollar he ever made"lol
I'll Take That ~ As a compliment , not a complaint . Being fiscally conservative is a hallmark of The Good American , especially Farmers & Tradesmen . My 42 year old CHEVROLET truck is parked by the curb , still giving good daily service , it is surrounded by fancy - schmancy new fangled SUV's & Luxo-Barges , all of which will be scrapped out in 5 years or so , I expect my Chevy to provide me with reliable , economical transportation for years to come , all at a fraction of the price of the cheapest new truck .
It was a Compliment...of sorts. I always admire your ability to think on your feet and figure out an alternative part or way to do something. Good ol' Yankee ingenuity! But, a little good natured heckling and a sense of humor is good too! Mi Amigo.
Heck.... Me & Nate have been heckling each other for over 10 years now Nate... please expand on your vast database of knowledge on why you say this not a GM dealer master key set
Heckling Is good ! . Your big old key ring has many non GM key blanks on it , the old Master Key Rings didn't , I remember them well . I just have random old GM keys , your ring works much better I know ~ the more keys , the merrier . You alls keep me on my toes and I like it if you didn't like me , you'd never tease / heckle / harrass etc. me .