Amount of PCV

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by fab51, Mar 11, 2012.

  1. fab51

    fab51 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Central Missouri
    Since the '51 will be in a few parades this summer, I decided to see about trading the road draft tube for a PCV valve. I started with this and modified the install a bit. I used metal fuel line from the intake manifold around the front of the engine, then used rubber hose to connect to the PCV valve. I also used a grommet inserted into the draft tube hole instead of a freeze plug. Also, my tubing wound up being 5/16" instead of 3/8".

    Everything seems to work properly, but I am wondering if the system will provide enough ventilation at highway speed. I started the truck, and removed the vent on top of the valve cover (oil filler). When I put the palm of my hand over the opening, I felt a gentle vacuum. I just want to be certain that it is enough. I don't want to blow out seals or worse. :eek: Has anyone around here done this conversion?

    Paranoid or decide! :p
  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Posative Crankcase Ventiation

    You'll find you use less oil than now if you move the PCV Valve up to the intake manifold , there's WAY too much oil splash down there , the GM Factory PCV Valve holders were inverted & baffled Road Draft Tubes in the beginnng .

    I have at least one kicking around my back yard .

    The PCV Valve does nothing above idle speeds , it's designed that way .

    The test you did , is the old Dealer Test , we'd take a shiny bit of paper (Magazine Cover) & place it over the oil fill hole instead of the cap , if the vacuum was sufficient to hold it from being blown off by the fan's prop wash , the PCV System was in good working order .

    This system is a very good thing , it keeps the inside of the engine cleaner as well as reducing exhaust emissions .
  3. fab51

    fab51 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Central Missouri
    Oil splash?

    I don't know about others, but my engine has a sheet metal baffle under the hole where the breather installs. Is that not enough to keep oil out?

    Nate, I might be interested in helping clean up your backyard... ;)
  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Crankcase Breathing

    Yes, there is still way too much oil spray flying 'round there .

    Look at it this way : GM first inverted the baffled Road Draft Tube and put the PCV Valve in the top of it , after a couple years of non stop Dealer complaints of high oil usage and smoking , fouled spark plugs etc. , they moved it up the hose to the intake manifold then to the Rocker Box where it belonged from the beginning . I trust the GM Engineers who made this engine for so many years .

    I'll keep an eye out for that factory PCV Road Draft Tube as I don't need it , last time I tried to sell it , no one was interested , I knew sooner or later this nearly impossible to find part would come in handy so I held onto it .

    You'd laugh if you saw the hokey-pokey home made CC Breather rig I put on my '59 Metropolitan Nash FHC ~ the BMC Series 'B' engine in it is a 1930's tech relic and I run it pretty hard so the Road Draft Tube was always spitting oil on the exhaust header , I had to do summat about that and my solution is inelegant to say the least but it works :rolleyes: .

    Attached Files:

  5. fab51

    fab51 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Central Missouri
    Hmmmm...maybe I should put mine in the valve cover. Its only a cheap-o chrome job. It won't be like I'm drilling an original :(
  6. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    PCV Location

    Well ;

    There's a replacement oil filler cap that has a hose nipple on it , you could use that , look in the oil and radiator cap " Buyers Guide " every Partshaus has even if they don't know it or are too dang lazy to open a book , it'll have pictures....

    Then re install the road draft tube so it'll have where to breathe in fresh air....

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