Stovebolters. We all know that women in Cuba do smoke these big Havana sigars when cooling down. I`d suggest you all take a rest and a sit down for a while together with the wife , relax in a good chair and drink some cognac , coffee or whatever you like? Drop all the greasy tools on the workshop floor , its weakend time ! I wonder if Cuba imported any trucks in the 50 tees except from the vew ones i have seen there ? The pictures shown are from Cuba , theme is old cars offcourse.They have such a beauty and elegance dont you think so ? Have a nice weekend Martinius.
I *Must* Be Stupid Because , I look at all those fine old cars and I only really like the dumpy '41 ~ '55 ones........ . To each their own I guess . I bet you didn't know that over 1/2 of those Cuban cars have been re powered with newer engines , often Diesel powered .