No Parade Duty...

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by fab51, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. fab51

    fab51 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Central Missouri
    ...until I make some more changes. I tried a parade today. Truck tuned, in tip top shape (mechanically, any way). The truck was loaded, probably over its limit, with my kids, grandkids, niece, etc.

    The weather was pretty nice, mostly cloudy and around 75. We had about 24 blocks. Within about 5 blocks it became apparent that I was going to have a heat issue. The temp gauge went up to probably around 205 and stayed there for the duration. I kept revving it, trying to make the air move. It helped a little. After we started moving when the parade was over, the temp went down nice and quickly. Hopefully I didn't warp the head or anything nasty. Even though it still runs quite nicely, my paranoia is quite evident. Note 1 to self: look into a 3 row radiator and a large electric fan before the next parade.

    The other thing that was quite apparent was the need for that 4 speed I've been planning. Early on, I was able to let it idle in first, and it pulled just fine. But, that was just for about 50 feet. After that, we went back to slipping the clutch. I never realized that Pine Street in Rolla was uphill for its entire length through downtown. Note 2 to self: have the 4 speed installed before the next parade.

    Oh well, at least I'm home now and its over (as long as I don't have any damage to repair...) :)
  2. fab51

    fab51 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Central Missouri
    I will certainly check the belt. The truck normally doesn't give me problems, in normal everyday driving, anyway.

    Oh yeah...I have that truck "out there" every chance I get. :D
  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Coolant Temperature

    205° F , is NOT overheating ! you're just worrying over nothing .

    When it truly overheats you'll know : it'll begin spewing coolant out at a prodigious rate :eek: .

    Boiling point is 212° F so no worries .

    Do you have any sort of pressure radiator cap ?

    Each pound of pressure , raises the boiling point of plan water by 3° , ad in the coolant and it'll take much more than 212° to overheat .

    Relax , enjoy the Parade . you did fine .
  4. fab51

    fab51 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Central Missouri
    Well, Nate, I do have a pressure cap on it, but upon inspection it doesn't appear to be doing its job properly.

    Oh, and I frequently worry about nothing. Overthinking things seems to be my hobby...:p
  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    That's O.K. !

    You'd never know it by the wretched junk I drive but I fret constantly ~ I just fret because I know there's a mis matching bolt in one motor mount or the cigarette lighter element is Chinese (example there , you KNOW my lighter is OEM CASCO :rolleyes: )

    If it overheats , it'll boil over & spew coolant .

    Since it didn't , it wasn't overheating .

    Next time you're worried about coolant temps in a parade or just stuck in dense traffic , roll down the windows & open the cowl vent , put the heater in full blast .

    Better you sweat a bit than you crack a cylinder head , right ? :p .
    Go buy some " Water Wetter " ~ it really does work ! my son uses it in his Race Cars .

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