Mid-life crisis red! Some day I will have more to show for all these years than this. Until then, thanks! I am a Chiefs fan, so red is a favorite color!
I have you to thank for this, Nate! That could easily have been a 350 with a 700, but thanks to you, the mighty 228 remains!
Neoprene Rubber Washer or Fiber Washer on top So I was able to make it to Napa today and just as Flashlight said the big O-ring came with the filter. And as Ken said it was Napa part #1100. The filter was $13.99. Our host sells what appears to be the same filter and they refer to it as Oil Filter Element - C4 (part# 84-105 $11.95). The only thing I had left to round up after that was the washer for the bolt on the top. The guys at Napa said they had nothing that would work and suggested I go to the local hobby store. Instead I decided to go to the Home Depot across the street. There I found a Neoprene Fender Washer and a Fiber Washer. The fiber washer I was able to buy was the right size to fit around the bolt but the neoprene rubber washer was a fender washer and didn't fit. So what I did was use the fiber washer as a pattern and just cut the hole bigger in the rubber washer. I guess my real question is should I use the fiber washer or use the neoprene rubber washer for the top bolt? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.... Also thanks to Martinius too for the information you provided
Go McGyver! Well, you are on the right track. If nothing else old contraptions will take some ingenuity and creativity on your part. Fashioning a nice cork washer from the pattern of those would be easy. Go back to FLAPS they sell a bag of assorted gasket materials and cut your own. I just amazed my wife when I bought an old antique Stanley Water Jug....its rubber gasket on top was shot, she said don't buy it. I did...came home used the old one for a pattern and made a dandy replacement! The look she gave me!! I immediately put two claw footed bathtubs into the back of the truck and filled the jug with Pina' Colada's!! Yes, Martinius she is Norwegian! Or, I bet a Oil Drain plug Gasket will do the job if your so inclined. Never listen to FLAPS kids!
Those where the days! Those where the days. In the 60-70 tees when i whas a very noosy kid i remember hiding inside the haystack watching the working guys out on the fields drinking from there stone jugs having them over there shoulders.This whas when corn harvesting season whas over. The strong stuff whas moonshine "hjemmebrendt 45 vol. prosent" and tasted sweet. My dad and me had some experiments down in the basement with his miracle wonder apparatus and i might say he new his moonshine. In the older days most norwegian farmers had there hopfarms and brewed beer and liquer them selves on contract for bigger brewerees , but after the 2. world war restrictions came and law and forcement made it imposseble to do any homebrewing. Farmers up here did`nt care and they still dont give a shit. Norwegians they say , drinking people under the table. There whas a norwegian cartoonist/inventor a guy named Kjell Aukrust whom died a couple of years ago whom inspired my dad a lot and i understand why! He invented a kinda moonshine apparatus and showed the world his funny design. Kjell Aukrust inspires a whole nation and has become world wide known fore his cartoons, movies and funny inventions. From the cartoon movie Flå Klypa Grandprix i`ll present the car El Tempo Gigante. Children just love the movie. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0073000/ or download on Pirate Bay; http://thepiratebay.se/blog ( Flå Klypa Grand Prix ). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iO1mxg8VLvY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34MVnvRXxsA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOOUqlvqS6g&feature=related
El Tempo Gigante ! Neat video I *think* , I can't be 100 % sure because it keep stopping & jumping forward when it re starts . Yes , I waited for it to fully download .
So I was thinking.... I blasted the bolt and there were remnants of a gasket which would have appeared to be a fiber gasket but because it was so old it really could have been a hardened gasket from any material - except rubber - it still held it's integrity and was not too brittle on the inside. I was thinking I could use the rubber gasket up against the lid of the canister and then use the fiber gasket up against the underside of the bolt. Would that work or do I need to make a gasket from some other material? I am open to making a gasket out of cork or "gasket material" as Flashlight suggests but is there a best solution in this case? Also, any ideas where to get a new bolt for the canister lid? The one I have works and could be used however you can tell it has had many years of channel locks or vise grips used to take it off - even around the rounded part. I could take a file to it and make most of the damage look reasonable but I thought if I could just buy a used/new one in better condition, that might save me a lot of time on a part that probably doesn't cost much. Any input would be greatly appreciated.....