i don't think I've ever yelled louder for help than I am right now! I need the u-joint BOLTS for my 63 Chevy Truck, 2 wheel drive, single drive shaft! Anyone have some to spare or know where I can get some?
Have you tried calling a NAPA auto parts place? I don't think that there is much, if any, difference between the 60's and early 70's. Ask for a range of years. Dennis
Yeah try calling napa and if you truck is a 1/2 ton they probably will have it i'm don't thing that the u-joints changed much. cowboy
THANKS to everyone that answered. The old guy at AutoZone walked to the back of their parts room, came back with 2 packages, blew the dust off of them, handed them to me and said, "here, these will work" the package was marked "GM 1968 and up" they did!