my ´53 finally made it to Austria

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by candleman, Jan 18, 2011.

  1. candleman

    candleman Guest

    Hi everybody!

    my name is Gernot and I´m from Austria.
    I got 3 Mustangs (1 running, 1 restoring at the moment and 1 is waiting to get restored)
    What I always wanted to have was a old Chevy Pickup.
    Last Nov. I found one on the internet and I had to buy it! :D
    The truck came from Iowa and last friday we unloaded it here in Austria.
    On the weekend I had time to make a testdrive and took some pics.

    I spent now several hours reading here on this forum and what can I say? It´s great!!
    BUT what I know is now, that I have to learn a lot............

    Today I checked my truck what engine, tranny and rearend she has.
    So the following numbers I have found:

    ENGINE: LBA269622
    as far as I could find info here it´s a 216.
    TRANNY: 3813389
    REAREND: C30255/1968818/2018188
    here I have no idea what rearend it is.
    It has 8 lugs, so is it out of a 3/4?
    What I definately know is, that it´s not stock.

    So now I have some questions to know what to do when I start thinking about restoring.
    I have read a lot here about engine swap,.....
    What I want to have when the truck is finished is that i can cruise at around 70 on the freeway.
    Now the gears 1-3 are really loud and I could pull a bunch of elephants (what I don´t really want) :)
    4th gear is okay.
    I think (or no sorry, I know) you guys have enough experience to help me and give me some advises what´s the best to put in the truck.

    her some pics:


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  2. Volker

    Volker Member

    Oct 27, 2007
    Germany, nearby Leipzig
    Hey Gernot, greetings from Germany.

    Your idea to drive with 70mph and a 216, hmmm wish it away.:D
    I tried really a lot. Use Patricks new rear and gears, swap to a 235 - fresh rebuilded and read a lot about trannies. Because all trannies has in 4th gear 1:1 and now you can use a calculator. max rpm without earmuffs are 3.500 at the end of the engine --> 1:1 throught the tranny --> rear end gears with 3.11:1 = the maximum rotation of your rear wheels. Now you must take the size of your tires and then you can calculate the maximum way of one tire turn.

    Hmm, i have learned that 50mph makes the same fun as 70 mph. It's an old lady, don't forget and you have a lot of fun.

    Volker from Germany
  3. ol' chebby

    ol' chebby Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    That is a heavy rear end, don't know what from. I am about to pull a rear out of a 67 impala, you could have it, but shipping to austria may hurt a bit.
  4. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Hey Gernot! Welcome! First off, what kind of ponies do you have? My mother still drives her '66 'Stang on a regular basis. She's 80 going on 50!

    On to your truck! It appears to be a 1/2 ton (hard to tell from the angle of the picture!) Check the wheelbase! If it's 116", it's a 1/2 ton, 125" +/- it's a 3/4 ton. The 1/2 ton would have a stock "tube torque" rear end, yours doesn't. It would appear as though someone has put a 3/4 ton suspension on your truck. The serial # on the engine corresponds with a '53 1/2 truck "LBA". All in all, it looks like a solid truck. Make sure to check for all the tell-tale signs of rust problems, lower cab corners, lower front fenders behind the wheel wells, bed, especially around the bottom of the bed. If they don't show up now, they will if those areas weren't properly protected.

    Just a few thoughts.

    Again, welcome aboard! Look forward to many more pics and progress reports!

  5. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    It has a later model 3/4T rear end but the good news is it's been converted to an open driveline. I'm sure you don't want to carry two spare tires so going to a 55-59 1/2T rear would let one spare work and our host offers 3.38 gears for the 55-59 rear end. With this gearing, your present transmission, and 28" tall tires the engine RPM would be 2850 at 70 mph. FIRST, replace (if not already done) every bolt, pin, bushing, bearing, and rod end in the suspension and check all the spring parts as well as shocks and install a sway bar if it has none. Check the wear in the steering gear box and rebuild if necessary. Inspect ALL the brake system including the lines, hoses, and hardware. Don't skimp here on a truck you are wanting to drive 120 kph. You will find these trucks drive TERRIBLE with worn parts and pretty darn good with everything right. A shop that aligns front ends on big trucks, which still have straight axles, can align yours. Fuel dragsters running 330 mph (550 kph) still use straight axles so they can be made to run straight. Your truck looks good enough in the pictures to spend some time and money on to get what you desire. The street rodders here throw 235's, 261's, and even GMC's in the scrap all the time; it's too bad shipping and import fees are such a deterrent because it would certainly be the way to go on an engine destined for highway cruising but the old 216 in good shape should be able to handle 2800 rpm for many miles.
  6. candleman

    candleman Guest

    thanks for all your answers!! ;)

    thanks, but I think I have to find a rearend somewhere in Europe, cause shipping would be very expensive.

    @Kens 50 PU
    The one running is a ´66 coupe V8, the one I´m restoring right now is the same and then I have a ´68 fastback GT390 waiting for restoration.

    That´s what was my first thougth, that it has a open driveline.
    So my first challange is to find a new rearend which fits in my truck without changing too much. I mean it´s not a big problem, cause I got all tools here and could fix that, but I don´t want to go the hard way if I don´t have to.

    So does anybody know what rearends fit in my truck?
    I searched the net here in Austria/Germany and found a 6lug rearend from a ´79 Blazer. Would that fit? :confused:ör&hash=item41562245bc

    here some pics from the Mustangs and one of my ´42 Dodge WC52 I bought from the local firefighters for small money.

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  7. candleman

    candleman Guest

    thanks for all your replies! :rolleyes:

    Thanks, but shipping to Austria would be too expensive.

    @Kens 50 PU
    one stang which is done is a ´66 coupe V8, the other one I´m working on is also a ´66 coupe V8 and then I got a ´68 fastback GT390 waiting for restoration. And then I have a ´42 Dodge WC52 which I bought form the local firefighters for small money.

    That was also my firts thought, that the open driveline is not bad.
    So first step would be to change the rearend, but that´s the challenge, cause to find a rearend from a 55-59 here in Austria is almost impossible.
    So does anybody know which rearend I could use without changing too much?
    I just searched the net and found a 6lug rearend from a ´79 Blazer.
    Can I use this rearend? :confused:ör&hash=item41562245bc
    Would be great, cause thats not too far away to pick it up.


    here some pics of my mustangs

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  8. candleman

    candleman Guest

  9. candleman

    candleman Member

    Jan 19, 2011
    so I´m back again, don´t know what has happened, but I couldn´t logon anymore. So I had to register again.

  10. Larrys 48

    Larrys 48 Member

    Dec 7, 2007
    Spokane, WA
    You've graduated from "guest" to "registered user". Now you just need to create an avatar...nice looking truck and welcome to the circus.
  11. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Congrats on your ride, candle man! (Or should I say "rides"!)

    I'm going with a Colorado rear end. Good ratio, right size, 6 lug...

    You will need to get a 1/2 ton front axle to swap the lug pattern from 8 to 6 (or 5). There are many 5 lug rear ends that will work. IIRC, one out of a Nova will work. Hey~ maybe even one of those from under a mustang......... =^)

    When changing the front lug setup, that would be a good time to switch to disc brakes, also. Better stopping for a fast moving hunk of metal, no?
  12. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    Go to and click on "rear end dimensions". It will show the stock 53 width and you can see what has the same or nearly the same measurements as the 53. Since you are well equipped tool wise you can trim unwanted brackets off of coil spring rears and weld on new leaf spring perches if necessary.
  13. brit 50

    brit 50 Member

    Dec 6, 2005
    Essex England, the motherland

    Hi candleman, quick question, the notch back mustang in your first pic, is it a 289? Did you get it from the uk?
  14. candleman

    candleman Member

    Jan 19, 2011

    Yes, it´s a 289, but it´s from the states, bought it 2007, just had to do some small applications.
  15. gypsy truck

    gypsy truck Member

    Oct 2, 2007
    Florida / Illinois

    Welcome aboard from abroad candleman! that sure is a sweet looking avitar! I love seeing our old trucks overseas all fixed up and on the road - just like when i see older foreign cars here in the states. Congratulations on your new truck and it's journey to you and it's future.
  16. candleman

    candleman Member

    Jan 19, 2011
    Hey guys,

    after long time doing nothing on my truck we have started a few weeks ago to disassamble the complete truck.
    Was the best choice, cause there´s a lot of rust. :eek:

    Now I have some questions that I know how to go on, mostly about engine, tranny, rear axle.
    I have read a lot here and it really helped, but still not really sure whats the best.

    Now there´s a 216 in the truck with a SM420 and a rear axle from a 3/4 ton truck (8 lug - ratio 3.55:1)

    I actually wanted to swap the engine to a 235, but my 216 was runnig great so why should I swap it?

    this is actually the topic which is most concerning to me.
    There is a lot of info here about swapping to a T5 and I am wondering what is the big difference between SM420 and T5, what advantages will I have when swapping to a T5?

    And what are these mounts on the tranny for? Nothing was attached there.

    Rear End:
    Good news is that the rear end has a ratio 3.55:1
    But it´s not really the rear and what should be in this truck.
    If you just look at the rear end you can see that it is not supposed to fit under the truck the way it is mount now.
    Width of the axle measured inside/inside is 53.5"
    So would you leave the axle in the truck and just adapt it?
    What seems strange to me are the springs.....
    Rear is 8lug adnd front 6lug, does that cause any troubles, not talking about the spare tire....

    Attached Files:

  17. Flashlight

    Flashlight Member

    Apr 6, 2009
    Greeneville, Tennessee....Looking out over the Smo
    Gruss Gott Gernot,

    Going 70 KPH or MPH? Thats all nice but if I recall there are some big hills in Austria, so you should also be planning on doing something with the brakes so you can stop at the bottom. Open shaft rear end gives you a lot of flexibility for tranny's, a T5 is a easy swap and affords you an overdrive tranny.

    Your 216 dates as far back as 1939 its only 85.1 HP motor. I still have one in my 1947 truck. Its a happy little motor with a Saginaw 4 speed/Hurst shifter. It cruises at 55-60 nicely with 3:55 rearend. When you gear down the rear-end you won't pull much of anything and going up the hills in Austria will be a challenge.

    I would like to see more pics of your motor, it may be a 235 dressed in a 216 valve cover. These issues of brakes, motors and gearing are an issue for everyone on here, and many dollars/euros and hours have been ask away!
  18. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Welcome back Gernot! Looks like you're gonna have a big project on your hands! Enjoy the build and keep us posted on the progress!

    Flashlight, the engine serial number "LBA" tells me that it is a '53 3100 truck engine 216.5 cu. in. manufactured at the Flint, Mi engine assembly plant.

    Keep on truckin'

  19. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Upgraded Driveline

    O.K. Gernot ;

    What you have there is the tranny and rear end taken out of a slightly newer truck .

    The unused brackets on the back of the tranny were for the band typ park brake .

    If you look at the right side of this SM420 tranny , you'll see the two threaded holes bracketing the pivot pin for the park brake handle .

    Those rear coil springs are period correct overload springs , pretty hard to find these days so if you don't want them (why not ?!) , be sure to keep all their hardware , pads , U-Bolts , nuts & so on , with them for the next guy and yes , there WILL be a next guy who wants them , badly .

    You didn't post clear pictures of how the rear end is attached to the leaf springs .

    The T-5 tranny is a 5 speed up grade that has a slight over drive , the better to cruise The Autobahn with .

    The 216 is a fine engine indeed *but* although it'll easily propel your truck to 90 KPH , it'll wear out the connecting rods in short order doing so , that's why you really should use a 235 .

    If you think that truck is " very rusty " , you cannot possibly be a real German as I've restored far worse VW's and 350 Porsches from The Fatherland :p .
  20. candleman

    candleman Member

    Jan 19, 2011
    Thanks for your answers...

    enclosed some pics of the engine and rear end mount

    No worries Flashlight, I am driving a Mustang with standard barake and I have never had any problems. No hills where I live...and unfortunately no skiing here ;)

    As Ken said, from the numbers it should be a 216.
    So I have to find a 235 to swap it, that what i was thinking before...

    Thnaks Nate for telling me what the coil springs are for, so I can take them out cause I don´t really plan to carry anything with the truck, exept myself :D

    On the pics you can see now how the rearend is attached, so you mean I can keep this rearend? that would be great!
    But i just have one problem with the parking has been cut off and I don´t know where it is supposed to be attached to the rearend? Any idea?

    T5 tranny should also be possible to find here...attaching the T5 to the 235 I know (or think i know :eek:)..there is a lot here in this forum bout it.
    But how about the existing drivetrain? Will that fit?
    And Nate, I´m here in Austria :) and concerning the rust the truck came from Iowa so I thought it would be in better shape, but anyway, so the guy from the bodyshop will have some fun :p

    So finally the plan is:
    235 +
    T5 +
    existing rearend + drivetrain?


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