Breather Cap W/ Hose Nipple Well ; I don't see how you're going to attach that one to your rockerbox... I suggest sending him an E-Mail asking to see ALL the oil filler caps he has , he may well have the correct , painted ones with the grommet in it , this is used to hold the PCV Valve then you simply run a big hose over to the intake manifold , you'll need the brass fitting with the big hose nipple . I'd suggest not buying this cap , wait 'till you find the right one .
Air Cleaner with PCV Nipple! Here's the link I was looking for the other day which shows an air cleaner with a factory nipple. Ken
Yep...I saw one of those on flea-bay a couple of weeks ago. It was the complete setup including valve cover, draft tube and all of the hardware. They only wanted like $130 for it
Fram Original chevy 6 inline PCV valve. Here is the PCV valve made by FRAM.
PCV install truck scetch. Hey Ken Thats a good scetch .Your source is the Factory Assembly Manual 47-54 truck. My conclusion is that the PCV valve has to be mounted in the way it shows here or else there is no help in that function ! This should be the right PCV valve for the 235 3.9 l. engine. Partsnumber = V-100 They sell what should be needed elsewhere to make it work ; Thanks Martinius.
Stand by martinus ! As I was wandering (? stumbling / wobbling ?) around the Long Beach Auto Swap yesterday when I spotted perhaps the cap you need , new no less , all I need to do is find a 235 rockerbox to ensure it fits then we'll see about getting it to you....
Great news Nate. Hope you had a nice walk along all that "gold" saying take me with you. Did you find any intresting parts you could use fore your own cars ? I`ll gues the weather whas hot ? Thanks for helping out on this one. Send me a pm and tell me the costs so i can send you the money. I`ll send you my homeadres. Thanks Martinius.
Long Beach Auto Swap The weather was *perfect* , I saw lots of neat things but I don't need much . I was able to score so really good quality shortie cranked spanners , some R-12 freon for my 1980 Cadillac Hearse's AC system , we're rebuilding it now , going to drive it to Death Valley next month . Always lots to see @ Auto Jumbles , plus I like to talk to the owners of interesting vehicles as I always learn new things .
Talking to owners of classic cars at swap meats is a good habbit! Originals as we call them , the owners of classic related items, old car collectors and antique hunters. I`ll gues i am some of an original myself as it is a previleged tiltle to have There is this auto swap marked in Oslo named Ekeberg marked in the beginning of may wich is a kind a start of these markeds in this area as spring has come . As i have a litle camera now i will make some pictures and show you people how its like. I do always meet some friends there american and norwegian guys. The norwegian chevy club will have there stand there to. Its a kind a sosial to meating intresting people to talk to whom have a lot of different knowledge. I am trying to sell some of my chevy left over parts and will present a one wheel mc. trailer at the nvmc stand (Norwegian veteran mc. ) . This is a the Inder trailer , a copy of the PAV hitch trailer wich i am going to start importing to Norway in the future. There solid made in steel instead of the Check PAV factory used durem aluminum. Attach weblinks;
What a nice gesture to fly us all over to Oslo for the sale! Its a nice time of year, but if it were in June the ladies would be sunning in the Park.
Oh yeah life is beautifull ! I would if i had the money and the airplaine needed to have it done why not ? You only live once. Have you been to Oslo Flashlight in your earlyer days ? The scenery of old cars and motorcycles and parts and stuff , beautifull scandinavian girls and a good cup of hot coffee in the Ekeberg park in spring is taking your breath away! What more can you ask for ? It reminds me of Amelia Earhart a remarcable woman whom said ; Courage Courage is the price which life exacts for granting peace. The soul that knows it not, knows no release From little things; Knows not the livid loneliness of fear Nor mountain heights, where bitter joy you can hear The sound of wings. How can life grant us boon of living, compensate, For dull gray ugliness and pregnant hate Unless we dare The soul's dominion? Each time we make a choice we pay With courage to behold resistless day And count it fair. A.Earhart By the way , Hillary Clinton (Tricky Dicks wife) wants to find out what really happened with Amelia Earhart and here compagnion wich is a question of money . She wants an expedition trying to locate the airplain wreckage and to get it up to the surface. What else the purpose is i am not familiair with ?
Unfortunately not! My 3 day passes got me to Holland and Belgium. The blondes grew sweeter and bustier as I got further north. I was in love in Belgium so often, but never got to the Grand Sepulchre' of Viking Blondes in Norway/Sweden/Denmark! I would like to go before I outlive my ability to satisfy my fantasties....if you remember Willie Nelson's lament of outliving his physical capabilities to satisfy his mental fantasy. Trying to be somewhat descrete on a sensitive subject!