That first picture looked like she was going to shoot herself out of the back with the bungy cord. That is a cute puppy! (Just keep the dog fur out of the paint...)
What a cute pup!!!! I'd love to have a dalmatian... even have a fire truck to give it a ride! Too bad my duty schedule wouldn't be fair to a pet... unless I took it to work, maybe. Hahahaha!!! Damn
What a cute puppy! Dogs make such a difference in our lives. Enjoy! Here's mine, this is Tux. He was abandoned in a foreclosed house for 4 days. That night the house was arsoned. Lucky pup. Rescued and brought to the SPCA (no kill shelter). He has been by my side constantly since .... great buddy. Haasman
Animal Care What kind of A-hole abandon a pet locked up inside a house ? . Both my pups are rescue dogs , someone tried to beat my sire to death and the shelter was going to put him down because he didn't like anyone , we had a bit of touch & go but in the end , this beautiful dog is my best friend . My bitch (named 'Bitch ' oddly enough) was a turn in dog and she simply refused to allow me to leave the pound without her.... I'll try to get photos up . People who treat animals poorly have serious mental issues ~ almost every serial killer , rapist , child molester etc. , abused animals first . I'm not a whacky veggi nut job , I know that " PITA " means : People Eating Tasty Animals but it's possible to Ranch without cruelty .
Haasman, Great looking dog you have there. If that square tube cut off is your lowering block you should beef them up some, the ones we used in the 60's and 70's were solid or 1/2'' stock. Nate has two great looking dogs, the male has eyes that are the same color as his coat. Charles
Campy is now 6 months old. She is a gret dog and loves to ride in a truck. Best part is......she only bombs the woods, never in the grass! Mya is potty trained too!
Great thread. Our dogs are part of our family packs. Campy-what a great looking dog. Nate-Where are the pictures of your dogs. Haasman
Well, Great pictures, of the dog, and the little girl with the beautiful eyes. I guess I'll weigh in with my constant companion. She follows me everywhere, when I have to get down on the floor to work on something, she's under my arm. Spoiled brat, don't you think?
Pooch Pix I've posted them up before ~ as soon as I lay down my tools (often before then) they roll over and expect belly rubs so the pix I posted have them in the edges, sniffing at vehicles , engines or whatnot..... . Dogs are a great gift IMO ~ when I'm beat down and in too much pain , I lay out in my recliner or pain chair and they lay softly on my lap & give me great comfort .