You bring the blanket, I'll bring the baseball bats. Anybody else want to help and bring along some tar and feathers? Nothing worse than a thief.
Wow, that was sad seeing that truck like that. Maybe the owners employees will fix the truck back as a present for their Boss. As far as the thief everyone needs to know where that bastard is at all times. Reminds me of Bonner v/s Hatton where the courts stated that the public/People has/have a right to know.
Well....maybe we could make it a convertible now....justifably! I hope you GMC boyz can see what a chevy can take at 90MPH! Looks like the Mercedes and Cadillac came out worse. MAybe he'd be interested in my 53'??
Grand theft auto I feel sad for the owner that has costs so much afford in time and money in this truck . Does insuirances cover damages like that in the US when classic vehicles are stolen and damaged ? Incase i `ll hope he get his truck recovered and may get it back on the road again ?
Insurance No Martinus ; Even " agreed value " insurance will wiggle out of the whole replacement co$t....
Believe it or not, I was once an idiot, too... When I was young, I did some stupid stuff. I didn't steal cars or nothin', but really~ Walking along at night- bad day still hangin' onto you, and suddenly, here is this un REAL truck!... Forgive us Dear Lord, for we know not what we do~