Neat tool Andy, Chevs of the 40's has a really neat tool that looks like a bent ice pick with a blue handle. It's used for windows and cost around $6. I got one and have used it 100 times already for all kinds of things.
homemade I love that quote too! It's my life! In the old days I probably broke more thermo houseings than all of you put together! I'm number one in something! Ha, Ha! I don't remember the specific situation, but I made/cut an open wrench (homemade) out of some extra/repeat tools I had at the time. Hey, saving a buck is a life choice! Rod
Andy, If that boy can take the Texas heat in a metal building he's got a standing invitation to give it a try. Usually start them out brushing, grinding, scraping, you know, all the grunt jobs we hate. Found out a good way for them to learn all the nomenclature and terms is to have them disassemble, clean, and label each part. The really nasty stuff is the names they learn first. If they can stay upbeat through all this then it's on to simple welding, bumping some easy metal around, and spraying primer. Then on to their own shop maybe and winning a Ridler Great 8 Award as Jesse and Able did. My nephew was very inept at welding thin metal but determined. Here are some rookie and present thin metal welding shots to show just how far they can progress in a couple years. The metal bumping, filling, and blocking has improved a like amount.