I thought I would introduce myself. I recently bought a "1953 GMC", however there are several discrepancies. 1951 doors, 80 MPH speedo, Chevy interior trim, and the best part is the vin # translates to a 1961 chevy truck. I have a good title, so the vin # doesn't matter. I can always plead ignorance if it comes down to that. And my bed box is a Studebaker box with chevy fenders. This will be more along the lines of a DD, with a hot rod flare. My FIL is giving me his 70 chevy truck (severe rust), that will provide my an engine and trans. I will strip off anything that i think that i could use. After that I will part out the rest or scrap. My wife is calling this truck my mid-life crisis. she forgets that I had a 1950 chevy truck when we got married. Family life tends to cause interests to go in other directions a times, and that truck was one of them. I have enjoyed reading others input for some time. I needed to register and become a contributing member. Thanks, Mark
Welcome mark ! You'll find the good people here will help you out no matter how mundane your question . I'm lucky in that my Missus like that I have an old truck instead of complaining...
Welcome Mark! Sounds like you've truly got "Franken-truck"! Enjoy the ride with us. And remember, we like pictures!
Thanks all. I am waffling on the type of suspension. I like the look of a traditional dropped axle, but I also like the idea of a more modern IFS. Dropped axle, MII, or Jag. So many choices. A co-worker has an 8 inch rear out of a Granada he will sell cheap. If that is the right width (I believe that it is) then I will be selling the current 4.56:1 gear rear that I have
Welcome to the forums! Looking forward to following your build progress and seeing more photos of your truck. Damon
I like the looks of the Studi bed with the Chevy fenders as well, so when I built my bed I used a early 50's Studi as a model for my design....Big Tim
The only problem with the stude bed is it very rusty. The gate, floor, and sides. I like a wood bed floor, also.