Truck Show is here again @ Canyon RV Park in Anaheim, CA on Sunday, July 8th, 2012 from 8am to 3pm anyone going to make it this year? ,
Annual Brothers Meet Yes , a whole slew of '67 ~ '72 guys in the C/10 Club will be there & have a HUGE BBQ & Grabot , I was wanting to go but they charge entrance fee and times are tough so I think I'll pass .
You going Robert? I might reserve a spot for Nate so he can go in and be a part of the show and not have to park outside and have to walk all that way in and out.
WHO's GOING ?? Is anyone else here going ? . I thought is was mostly kiddies with chrome plated Hot Rods , blecch .
Trucks, Chevy and G trucks, fast ones, slow ones, works in progress, under construction and trailer queens too. But all General Motors. Virginia and I are going, hopefully others can go, I had a ball last year.
Will be there I will be there but not with my truck will be going with my neighbor and his hot rod k5 blazer mine is still taken apart. Robert
great show Another great show today . Good to see Charles and virginia and got to meet Nate too. hope all who went had a great time too. looks like I have a year to get my truck ready for the next years show. my neighbor who I went with in his k5 blazer won runner up best under construction fist time out past his mail box to. Robert
That Was FUN !! Indeed it was , lots nice people , a good locale with plenty of shady trees , happy kiddies and spouses plus scads of all years of GM trucks and nary a Brand 'F' to be seen , a beautiful thing it was .
What about us , where are your photos ? You know i love the sosial part of your event but what about all of us .... thousends of hungry negclected truck owners whom only can imagene all these juicy hamburgers and frankfurter bratwurst ? Life is not fair but a photo would help and you guys are all forgiffen. Truck and car photos offcourse not from the T bone stakes ....... man how i love T bone stakes Hope you had a good time out there !!
Sorry Martinus But I took no pictures . I know others took pictures of everything , I'm sure if you look up Brothers Truck Parts , they'll have some sort of web page with pix . Interestingly , once folks learned who I was , they took pix of my truck and I . Me , I had chicken and brats....
The show yesterday was really great, it was good to see Robert and Nate and his Brother. We got there really early and was the third in line, Nate was early also and was about 8th in line, Robert and his neighbor with the best "Under Construction" was early also, there were trucks coming in well after 10:00Am. The show you get being early is really good, seeing the trucks as they come in off the Freeway to me is better than the show, because you get to see which ones are the Drivers and which are the trailer queens. There were 15 from the C10 Club that came in from central Cal out of about 45 of their group that made it to the show. Seeing them come off the freeway in that caravan was to me the Best of the Show. I was parked next to the Best of Show for this year and had the Best in show for last Year behind me. A lot of people there to see just Chevy's and GMC's, what a fun time it was. There were a bunch of people that stopped to talk about never seeing a 9ft. bed and they thought the 8ft. bed was the long bed that I did not get to take many photos. So for your Dining enjoyment here are a few of the photos I did get. Note the 4th photo with the guy in a red cap, his truck has a Wayne 12 port in it with 2 carb set up.
Great pictures Thanks Charles, for posting these pictures. Seemed to be a great show, with lots of different styles of trucks. You´re right, it´s great, to see them all coming in, this way, you can sit in the shade and have them drive by
Your welcome. The watching starts before we can enter the grounds, when they exit the freeway/expressway/highway/autobahn we get to see the trucks that really run on the roads. Charles