Greg's 50 Build

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Root2812, May 26, 2012.

  1. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Beautifull and congrats with your Fulton visor !

    This looks great on your truck ! Fulton factory made beautifull assesoires in aliminum & steel. Send us a picture when installed on your truck.

    Thanks for sharing.
  2. Root2812

    Root2812 Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Coon Rapids, Mn
    Nate, Thanks for the info on the green paint. I am going to try and clean it up some.

    Blue Flame, Thanks for the comment. I was hopeing to get it installed today but that isn't going to happen. I did some reading and apperently I should paint it first since there is so much bare aluminum showing. I don't want it to corrode.

    Can any one show me pictures of the mounting in the door frame? I was reading here and it sounds like I need rubber washers.. I'd love to see the correct screws and washers and it installed so I know I am getting the right stuff at the hardware store. Anyone know where to get the bolt with the barrel nut that goes on the center clamp?
  3. Root2812

    Root2812 Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Coon Rapids, Mn
    Well the truck continues to fight me every step of the way. Today is the first time in a month I have been able to work on it and I spent all day on it. I put new radiator hoses and coolent in, changed the oil, put tires on, fixed the breaks, and cleaned it all up. I drove it next door to the gas station (maybe 100 ft roung trip) and put in 5 gallons of premium fuel. Then it died. Every time I got it running it ran until I put it in gear and it would die under load. The last time it stalled I decided to push it back up to the building, as soon as I got it rolling I jumped in and when I pushed the brake pedal I blew a brake line. So now I will try again in August, thats the next time I can get up here to work on it.
  4. Root2812

    Root2812 Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Coon Rapids, Mn
    I was able to get in a few more hours of work this weekend. I found the split brake line. It was the line that goes across the cross member under the transmission. Lucky for me my dad had one piece of brake line laying around that was just long enough. After getting the truck to run, and now having brakes, I took it out. I went 15 miles and it was fun. After the drive I had a flat tire and found that I need to rebuild my carb but other than that it went well. The stearing is also way too loose so I need to figure that out, just way too much play in the wheel.

    Then I laid my carpet, well a $7 remenant rug from Menards but its a nice temporary carpet. Really I just didn't want my dog's paws getting cut on the rusty floor. We also test fit the visor! It was cool looking.

    Without further ado, Pics!

    My truck with the visor sitting in place.

    My wife climbed in to check out the progress and the pets came too.

    Happy dog number 1 (Aka Flynn)

    Happy dog #2 (Aka Duggy)

    And lastly, the first pic in this thread is from 1989 and it was both the day the truck came into my family and the last time any one drove it. This pic is just like it but today, the day it drove again. (My sister is missing though)
  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Progress !

    That's great Greg ;

    I'm pleased to see you ride your pups too ~ I love Wiener dogs , currently I only have Chihauhuas , all my dogs have been rescue pups .

    New brake pipes are very cheap and if one slipt , you're begging for a serious accident by not replacing therm all .

    NAPA etc. will have straight ones on , InLine Tube .com will have nicer pre - bent ones that are dead simple to install .

    Your truck is looking good , lucky to have a Wifey who likes it , that eases things greatly .
  6. Root2812

    Root2812 Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Coon Rapids, Mn
    Nate, thanks, I really like dogs and it is nice that my wife is so supportive. Infact, she knew I wanted that old truck so badly that when my dad decided to sell it she told me to buy it eventhough I wasn't going to because of how broke we were being graduate students. Its been a great time so far, I just wish I could work on it more. When we finally get a home then I can bring it from my dads place thats 4 hours away.

    Don't worry about the brake lines. The rest were replaced when it got a new master cylenderabout 5 years ago (when my uncle owned it) I don't know why he left just that one. All the others look nice and shiney still where the split one was rotten through. I need to put some brake shoes on the front but after that I should be able to stop well.
  7. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Old Trucks

    That's nice to hear Greg .

    Having a Significant Other who understands one's love of old trucks (or whatever) is a serious gift .

    My Sweet has suggested taking my old truck to Las Vegas a few times , she likes to gamble , I like perusing the Desert junkyards and she understands I often need to carry home some large dirty parts I find there ~ she is willing to forgo the near silent speedy Air Conditioned drive in my old Mercedes , wow , how sweet .

    I too am one of those crazy old guys who finds nothing unusual about wheezing an old 6 cylinder truck across America @ 55 +/- MPH .

    Up hill slow , down hill fast , mileage first and safety last .
  8. GrandpaGlenn0

    GrandpaGlenn0 Member

    Mar 22, 2006
    Nate, that makes you one of those 8 & 80 guys---- 8 mph uphill and 80 mph down!
  9. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Fulton visor doorpost screws

    Made some pics. for you today.
    Nice dog :)Martinius.


    Attached Files:

  10. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Well ;

    Please to remember : I drive a CHEVROLET so it's more like 18 MPH up hill..... :D

    It kinda makes one feel a bit sorry for those Brand 'F' and Brand 'D' guys , knowhutImean ? :p .
  11. Root2812

    Root2812 Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Coon Rapids, Mn
    A tiny bit of progress was made today. I pulled the bed off my parts truck so I can swap it onto my truck later. Then I finally dug through all the crap laying in that parts truck. It looks like ebay and craigs list will be my friend. I even found the radio delete plate and people seem to always be looking for those. :)

    The exciting part was the big move. I needed to get that parts truck out of the parking lot at my dads repair shop so I had to drag it to my father in law's place, 120 miles away. All I have is a 4 cyl ranger with a 5 speed and a 2 wheel car hauler trailer. To my surprise the ranger still got 24 mpg and I ran at 55 mph the whole way without ever useing 5th gear and I hardly felt the trailer. Don't worry about my ranger I only ran it at about 2700 RPM to maintain that 55 mph. I was pretty impressed with the little truck. I normally get 30mpg with it but 24 isn't bad considering the load. When I got the parts truck unloaded I snapped this pic that I thought seemed kinda artsy.


    Now I won't get to touch my project until August.. Damn I need to find a house so I can keep my project with me. But even slow progress is progress. :)

    Lastly, in another forum I was talking about the 64 impala SS seats in my truck so I snagged a few pics of those while I was picking up the parts truck. They look nice but I'll be replacing them with a stock seat soon.

    Last edited: Jul 15, 2012
  12. Root2812

    Root2812 Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Coon Rapids, Mn
    That was wierd... I thought I put all the above in a new post and apperently I clicked edit and not quote and I over wrote my last post. Anyhow, look 1 post up to see yesterdays excitement.
  13. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    You're right! I love the picture of the truck in the field!

    I hear you on the s-l-o-w progress~ *sigh*
  14. Raz76

    Raz76 Member

    May 14, 2012
    Same here. I've had my truck about two months and today I made progress, removed the front bumper and
  15. SinclairChevy

    SinclairChevy Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Keokuk, Iowa
    Don't feel bad, fellas. I've been stumped on my front disc brake conversion for about two months. Now that I THINK I have it figured out, it's time to get back to work. But first, I gotta fix my garden tractor so I can mow grass, then I gotta mow grass, then I gotta......

  16. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Two Things :

    One is ; Baby Steps will get you where you want to be much sooner than it appears .

    Second is : don't take your complete old project Vehicle all apart until you've made it run and drive then sorted out the major issues .

    The field photo really is nice , belongs in a magazine or calendar .

    I hope you know to not sell off ANYTHING until your keeper truck is 1,000 % finished ! NOTHING .
  17. Root2812

    Root2812 Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Coon Rapids, Mn
    I am selling and trading some things but I'm being selective. Like I kept the better of the 2 beds and I am trading the other for some parts I need. I sold one door, its not the same style as mine so it was useless to me. My front clip is good so I will sell off the hood and fenders. And I already restored my guages so I'll sell those out of it to get a few bucks to buy some parts. Beyond that I am going to hang onto alot of it because I am going o build that frame while I drive my truck the way it is. I actually already had 2 people stop in and want to by the frame and I said no.

    Some one who owned that parts truck before started a build on it and tore alot of stuff out and the whole cab and doors are rotten. Its wierd the cab was gone but the bed and front clip are solid. Either way I bought it for the frame and the better box so I'm ahead so far.

    Thanks for the concern and the advice. The guy who I am trading the bed to has about a dozen of these trucks so if I find I need a small part someplace I know where to find it.
  18. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    TITLE Issues

    If you're doing a bare frame build and have a title . now is the time to have the matching numbers stamped into the frame , left upper side right near the steering box so they'll be visible when it's finally assembled .

    The original frame has NO VIN ~ some frames have an assembly plant I.D. stamped into the cross member .
  19. Root2812

    Root2812 Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Coon Rapids, Mn
    Thanks Nate, I think I will do that.
  20. Raz76

    Raz76 Member

    May 14, 2012
    Why is that necessary to do, have the truck vin stamped onto the frame?

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