Gear Shift Assembly

Discussion in '1955-1959' started by TylerApache, Jul 18, 2012.

  1. TylerApache

    TylerApache Member

    Jul 18, 2012
    I have a 59 Chevy Apache that my son (he's 15) and I are customizing. He purchased with his own money. There are a few mechanical issues that we have been fixing. One is the gear shift assembly. We have taken the cover off and pulled out all of the old grease, some had hardened. The shifter moves fine from 2nd to neutral to 3rd smoothly. However, to get it to go to reverse and 1st, I have to gently tap the bottom of the shifter rod to move it into position to shift to reverse or 1st. When I took to the cover plate off to remove the old grease, I noticed that there is only one spring (top of the box) that seems to be holding it to the 2nd and 3rd lever.

    Is there a 2nd spring that should be on the bottom that would force the balance in neutral to utilize the reverse and 1st gears?

    If there is a 2nd spring needed, where can I locate one? I have looked at most of the vendors (Ecklers, LMC, etc.).

    If there is a 2nd spring needed, is there a trick to get the lever loose to install the spring?

    We are chomping at the bits to get this on the road. This is the only thing stopping us now. Can anyone help? Thanks!
  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Three On The Tree

    This is how it's supposed to work , when you pass through neutral , you need to pause and left the handle UP to - wards the steering wheel to select the 1st. Reverse quadrant .

    The shift box on the bottom of the column is adjustable so the shift lever doesn't hit the back side of the steering wheel when you lift it .
  3. Dillon Hill

    Dillon Hill Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    when I first got my 59, I couldn't get first or reverse either. My problem was at the top of the shifter, a simple kit to rebuild the shift lever is all it took.
  4. TylerApache

    TylerApache Member

    Jul 18, 2012
    Thanks vwnate1 and Dillon. After I posted this issue, I woke up the next morning with the thought of vwnate1. I blew out the remaining grease, then applied a little PB Blaster, then worked the shifter up and down, then packed with grease. Now, it is shifting like it was brand new. Thanks for your posts. I am sure that I will have another question or 2.
  5. prowland

    prowland Member

    May 17, 2012
    Gear shift lever

    I am looking for a used/new 3 speed column gear shift lever for 1958 Chevy apache. I live in Tanzania (East Africa) and so need this to be shipped here. can anyone help or direct me? also need clutch bearing lever and front axle spindle. all can be used parts
  6. trucktony

    trucktony Member

    Jan 2, 2011
    The Netherlands
    Prowland just PM me with your E.mailadres and I can contact you.
    Maybe I got the stuff you need.
    I'am located in The Netherlands.

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