Location is on the roof in Stockholm! Carlson lives on the roof. I could`nt hold my self back from teasing a bit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CL64z_BRjyI
Long time no sign ! Yeah its a long time we have heard from the man him self! He gives a sign pretty soon i `ll gues if he needs more help. Have a nice weekend charles.
Still not running. Hey guys. So bad news truck still not running. Wife had other things for me to do so I just got out there this weekend my dad and brother came by and we tried most of your advise. Pruchased a rebuilt starter from classic parts and it now turns again. We puta new gas tank in and cleaned the lines new filter and it pumps when I crank the engine by hand gas comes out of the line so I am assuming fuel pump is ok? Any thoughts on if that is true. I didn't try cranking it with no filter attached so couldn't tell you for sure if it is pumping should I try that? Second check the compression Nd I have issues here I think First 53 Second 48 Third 45 Fourth 36 Fifth 33 Sixth 45 That doesn't seem right do I need to adjust something or have the engine rebuilt??? Engine still turns but way too slow. This stumps me as well. Distributor jumps up a little around 5 o'clock and again at 8 o'clock. Not sure if that means something is loose. Need a new core or if the gear could be broken or if this is normal. Last we are still getting very little spark. Adjusted points to .018 at first then later tried .016 and .012 Plugs are e3 and gapped to .030 Think that is all right but if I need to try something different let me know. We are getting 6.2volts at the coil So far got a rebuilt starter Distributor cap and rotor condenser points plugs wires 6volt ignition coil new battery. Wondering about the distributor core? Spark issue? Fuel pump? distributor jumping? Compression? Thanks and sorry I've been away so long. Thanks Damon Carlson Elgin IL.
Low Compression As mentioned before ; You need to adjust the valves then set the points and timing dead nuts , then it'll wheeze into life . Some will say it won't run with this low compression , they're wrong . Once you get it running , the compression will come up more and you can figure out if it indeed needs rebuilding or just repairs .
First truck aid ! DCarlson Welcome aboard ! Its posseble to make a fysicall checkup and trouble shoot every issue. I`ll suggest you start with buying the big bible for truck owners here at hour host. Its the abc on how to restore your truck and this helps you to check up your problems systematically with simple tools. The fuelline passage and pump needs disconnecting and checkup Carburator fuel passage checkout Distributor in position and tightened well so it does`nt jump! Look inside the cap if it looks warn out , check the rotor aswell Spark problem check (sparkplug cable and head , ignition timing,coil plug connections , wiring ) Compression is not important incase the pistons or piston rings are`nt damaged or your top gasket has blown out ! Change to fresh oil 15- 40 or 20-50 SAE minerall Check if viseble if there is any el. rel. on the torpedo wall and check its condition. Check flywheel timing to first cylinder on Dead top point Check if there are any fuseboxes on torpedo wall or under dash, in case check there standard. Send us some closeup pictures of your engine and maybe you have overlooked something we can help you with ? Nice talking to you!
Good to hear you are still trying to get her started. We all have our Honeydoo lists and schedules which need worked on from time to time. You are lucky because your other Half bought the truck for you. With my tractors I have to get another one for mine, she has never said anything about the tractors or the truck since.
There has been a lot of good info given here. Just remember that it takes the three things to start an engine, fuel, air, spark. You said that you are getting fuel to the carburetor. Does your carburetor spray fuel when the throttle is pushed? You said that the distributor moves, correct? Is there play in the dist shaft? That will change the timing. Follow the advice about setting the timing, and checking the valves. Not all of us are mechanics, but we are willing to try and help. Please keep us posted. Mark
Mark I will check the gas carb thing. As for the distributor. It moves clockwise like it is supposed to but it literary jumps up when you get to the 5 o'clock and 8 o'clock position. I would say it lifts 1/2 inch maybe. Would a video help of what the engine sounds like and does on you tube. I can totally post one if you guys think that would help.
Ok your talking the whole computer talk to me now. What does it mean to adjust the valves and how do I know how much to adjust them. I set the points and what are timing dead nuts is that the bolt next to the distributor that is supposed to be between the A R ( I Might have the wrong letters but It is next to the distributor) I do have the Maintenance manual but most of that is REALLY confusing.
Some information. DCarlson Here comes some basic information but in your case i would buy the book of the book " How to restore your chevy". Deves site tells you step by step what to do ! If you like to get your hands dirty just go ahead and have fun. Send us a picture of your truck engine would be great Good luck Martinius. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0879385006/o/qid=980017190/sr=8-1/ref=aps_sr_b_1_1/107-0440851-8699749 http://www.stovebolt.com/techtips/valveadjustment.htm http://www.speedprint.com/deves50/deveshowto.php