I don't like to let freon out into the air so I was hooking my 37 Buick up to the freon evacuator when a hose separated and whipped around like a cobra on steroids. I put luminescent dye in each system installed so any leak is easy to find. It is dissolved in the refrigerant oil so the the whipping line slung oil spray/mist/droplets over the entire car. After uttering a few words not often heard in sunday school an idea hit me: turn off the lights and shine a UV spotlight on it. What a light show! There was lines of all shapes, round and teardropped shaped drops, mesh patterns, you name it. I wish I could take a picture of it so Russ could air brush something like it but the camera flash does away with the affect.
Sounds a lot like my college days in the early '70's when we'd line our dorm walls with "black velvet" posters and turn the black lights on, crank up some good tunes like Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin, ZZ Top, David Bowie etc, light up the incense and get mellow! Now mind you, my mind altering substance of choice was very legal as long as you were 18!! None of that whacky tobaccie for me! Thanks for the memories, I think! PS: Did I mention the '66 Ford Econoline van I drove!
No, but shag carpet, 4 speaker 8 track stereo, chrome slotted wheels, paneling on the interior, curtains on the windows, and two tone paint with the "Keep on truckin" dudes high stepping on the side! And yeah, I had shoulder length hair too!
Ecoline arts shows! Coilover. Thanks for sharing this experience . Discovering things occasionally brings you great artists , freedom of speech and extended thinking with new knowledge. Maybe the creative part of one of us brings new life in the chevy truck restoring activitees , who knows? I like that thought a lot being creative. Remember the ecoline oil art shows with there bright moving colors forced in different directions caused of the heat in the machines they used. They showed it on uge screens behind the concerts of Pink Floyd and Zeppelin aswell , i whas there when it all happened. As much as 80000 people at the time visited there concerts here in europe to watch. It whas a kind a psychedelic indeed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTbNdjbv6Bw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kBKQ8M6P6Q&feature=related Martinius.
I'd trade 50 pounds I have now for the hair I had then. 8 track probably had Iron Butterfly plugged in.
Not Long Ago , I finally tossed out my " Mad Man Muntz " 8 Track Stereo........ Now I suppose it's a ' collector's item ' .
Inna-godda-da-Vida......Baby!! My torquoise VW Van had a Poster-pedic double mattress in the back with the 8-track surround sound. Yeah...you could really call it "Sex on Wheels"....even standing still.
Muntz car a psychedelic colored beauty Mad Man Muntz a californian legend building cars. What an elegance. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v66CEZ5gaQc&feature=related
The Muntz Jet Hardly the first , it was neat though . I'd rather had an Allard or Nash-Healy , much better handling cars .
8 Tracks....4-tracks...a little earlier even a record player for the 45's.....now, what will they think of next? It can not, definitely can not, get any better then that...or can it? Did anybody have one of the super.....super....super cool 8 tracks? Which one would that be? You may ask? The one and all powerful...no not OZ! Quadraphonic rare one that came out...yes, true quadraphonic, not just stereo! Quadraphonic! Now, that was something else...I say it still beats all this new fandangled crap they have now...pure analog from Harrison, Dylan, Lennon, CCR, Bubble Puppy(at volume), In the Garden of Eden,....and on....and on. Analog, Analog, Analog...al the way to your years...no conversions along the way. Yes, it was real and true stuff. For those of you who have some 8 track tapes...check them all out...you might find one that was mastered this way...Quadraphonic. Of course, you can probably guess my truck only listens to 60's and 70's on back. Too bad the news can't be that way. I'll settle down now and get back to my Juke Boxes. Remembering the food....ah good times. I must be hungry! Rod
Love the 45/78 records and 8 tracks. Still hav the longplayers and the pickup player in use , a friend of mine has a lot of these 8 tracks from the old days but i whas`nt a wair of that they made them qudraphonic ? The concert Pink Floyd played in Greece whas as i remember recorded that way. I listened to it a once in a while. Quadraphony became never the sucses they wanted as it is an expencive recording that way. Sound technically it brings amazing sound effects and i love it. Martinius.