Having trouble finding a starter or a part/casting/tag number for a 54 Chevy with a Hydramatic. A regular starter, car or truck, has a nose too short to let the drive teeth reach the flywheel gear. I have two V8 ones with three mounting bolts left over from a 57 Cameo project but haven't found them in my junk piles to check the nose length. If they are correct I can machine off the V8 flange and replace with a two bolt one but finding a starter or at least the numbers is what I'd really like. Thank you; Evan
Next question, there is one on ebay for a 270 GMC with Hydramatic. Anyone know if the 270 and 235 use the same starter? Thanks again; Evan
Hydromatic Starter Even ; I can't seem to find it , all I get is it should have a 9 tooth drive on it and it also fits Buick's with Hydromatic . You might try Crain Auto Electric on Soto in Los Angeles , they tend to have odd ball older stuff . Sorry I'm not more helpful .
How deep are your customer's pockets Evan? http://www.ebay.com/itm/1954-55-1-C...t=Vintage_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&vxp=mtr
Original Delco-Remy Part # According to the info I've got, the original part # is 1107135 for the 235 starter w/ auto transmission for the '54 truck.
Hmmmm A phonecall might give an answer as he does`nt tell how it whas remanufactured ? Notice the tape and the broken rubber part. Pretty expencive but hard to find parts i`ll gues ! Martinius.
Evan, This is a two wire starter off a 55' sedan with 235. I have it set on this 235 which is from a 62'. I'm willing to part with it if its what you need.
" Professionally Rebuilt " Jeezo-Peezo ! remind me to never need any "professional" help in Tenn. . Actually , the one time I had a serious mishap in Tenn., after the jerkoff Trooper left , I limped the truck into town and found a Good Ol' Boy Youngster who had his own muffler shjop , he helped me out and didn't want to take my $ ~ I had to practially force a $100 bill on him , the job he did , is still holding up just fine on my Brother's old '79 Dodge , in fact it's better now than when we bought the truck .
Thanks everyone, With the drive gear tooth count (Nate) and tag number (Ken) I should be able to close in on one. I couldn't use one off of Flashlight's first because it's for a manual trans and second because it's from an engine and shop so clean it would go on strike in my dirty cave. I found one for a 54 Olds that has a two bolt flange and the right nose measurement but is for a driver side mounting. I can rotate the nose 180* on the case, mill a new slot (if necessary) for the starter drive pivot arm, and drill/tap new solenoid mount holes---not a problem. Bill, there is a guy with IIinline that will have one in about two months for a mere $495 + $125 core so the the one on ebay must be a cut rate one. This is a 12v starter so I hope the armature shaft is the same diameter so the drive gear can be swapped out.
6 > 12 volt Starters I seem to recal a Farm Fix of using a Bendix from some International on a 235 starter when faced with the usual mis matched flywheel tooth count , it's been too many years but Joe will prolly know or have one in his stash . I you get truly stuck , I have a Buick buddy who's into the 49's with the fastback and Dyna-Squish (horrible) tranny , he might know someone with a Hydromatic Buick parts stash .