wanted to say hello been checking out the threads. picked up a 55 1st series stock 235 and 3 on tree. plan to drive it and fix stuff as i go. will try and get some pics of it soon. andy
Welcome aboard. A 55 truck has many advantages you will understand with the 235 engine and the open rear drive.Looking foreward to see some pictures of your truck.
Welcome to the message boards! Looking forward to hearing more about your truck... and seeing some photos. Damon
Good object ! Thanks for sharing your photos.This gives you a pretty good start. What is your impression of the trucks total technicall condition ? Martinius.
" What is your trucks technicall condition ? " R. (pump , pump , pump....) Rr. R! R R Rrrrrrrrr(cough , bang , pop) RRRRRRRRRRRRSputsputsput (belch of blue smoke) coughcoughwheeze , rattle bang chuchchugchugchugHMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Hey ! it runs pretty dang good ! . Waht did you expect ? it's a CHEVY ~ lets get these brakes working and see how it drivs before thos rotten tires go flat again . .
thanks guys Truck has normal rust.... some floor, kick panels, cab corners, pass side front door post to cab mount area. Had a new fuel pump,starter, gas tank and reman carb when i got it dropped battery in little gas in carb and it fired off. 6 volt started didnt seem to like to 12v battery so i replaced it and mounted a late model internal reg alt on it. Someone had replaced brake lines and bled brakes so they worked. Maybe someone here can help me with this, someone piped a line from middle of cyl head to a hole in the right side engine cover any ideas why? Also has newer cap rotor and points in it (checked gap on points was 20+) set at 16 seems much better. Dist hold down is tight but i can move the dist foward to back up and down like the hole is sloppy is this normal doesnt seem like it would be.
Normal Old Chevy O.K. , the exterior oil line is a common fix to get oil up to the cylinder head when either the internal oil passage clogs or , the head was replaced with the wrong one , or the wrong bolts , leave it and look to see there's oil coming out the weep holes in the rockers when the engine is running at 1,000 + RPMs , just peer in the oil filler hole , it takes a few moments after revving it up before the oil will appear , it'll just dribble out . Using thing synthetic multi-vis oils will clean out the accumulated sludge and make the engine last longer . The dist. is designed to rotate a bit , as long as it does so when you rev. the engine , the vacuum advance is working , don't worry but *DO* get out the timing light and shine it in the open window just above the starter motor , you'll see a needle (pointer) facing downwards and when the engine is idling at or below 600 RPM's , the timing light will show a ball bearing pressed into a hole drilled in the flywheel . As you prolly don't see it yet , loosen the pinch clamp at the bottom of the dist. and slowly turn it thisa - way and that as the engine idles until you see the ball bearing , then line it up with the pointer and snug up the pinch clamp , re adjust the idle speed to 600 RPM and then gently and s l o w l y turn the mixture screw until the engne speeds up and smoothes out . A valve adjust is next and it's *very* important so go order up a new rocker box gasket and get to it ~ adjusting the valves will make it easy to start hot or cold , improve idle and best of all , increase power noticably .
thanks again Nate thanks for the tips. Will get gasket next week for valve adjustment. took wife to dinner in it Friday night seems light a new truck with just setting points. I pulled the seat and frame out today mounted seat belts. Its always fun to look at others handy work "new tank and sender", straps just hanging hose clamps on fill not tight. why go through all that and not finish the job. Scraped trash off ceiling brushed some paint on.
You're Welcome I worked on one , once ya know . As long as you have the headliner out , take the time to find some closed cell insulation and glue it in after you're done painting , every inch will reduce the gowdawful drunning and make it pleasant to drive . My '49 3100 was quiet like a Caddy and it had no muffler . SWMBO will love you (and the truck !) more if you make it less rattly as you're whipping it into shape .'
Ferrari sound definetly This has to be a Ferrari sound your copying here Nate or did you watched chitty chitty bang bang this weekend on video ? I whent to a litle village nearby to day on my old motorcycle and had a good time looking at cars and all kinds of junk - An olderly gentleman showed me his home made fish smooking box wich whas a nice made . He offered me a good meal of the smooked fish and home made bread jummy Buy the way That 55 truck looks awesome , thanks fore sharing your photos apoe. pictures to come ..... Martinius.
Thank you ! For those pictures Martinus ; I like those old Volvo PV444 & PV 544's , never yet had one but rode in them when new , very good snow cars indeed . I used to have a '52 MG TD like that red one , mine was Saffron Yellow . I see the early MG TF too ~ those didn't yet have the 1500 engine . You're lucky to have all these nice old cars at shows . Is that black Brand 'F' a Cortina ? . Chevy InLine 6 Bangers don't make much exhaust noise because the cam profile is so soft ~ the few people I convice to try an open pipe , love it . I used to drive my '46 3100 fully loaded through Beverly Hills and Bel Air , never got a ticket and it was a raggedy old thing I painted in my back yard , it had no muffler on it's 235 , just a straight pipe all the way bck , that's the key . They're musical in the exhaust note , try it and see .