just picked up some new running boards.. painted and polished now ready for install.. i ordered some of those bowtie aluminum step plates but i dont like the way they look when they arrived.. and i see some bad reports on them online.. thinking about maybe some polished stainless plates.. anyone have any luck finding polish stainless plates.. or other good looking ways to protect the new running boards
Mott, I was lucky enough to have GM safety tread plates available to me when I rebuilt my truck. I love them, and, I'm sure Joe (deadzonetruckin) could hook you up with some. Here's a shot of pre installation and post installation. https://talk.classicparts.com/photos/showphoto.php?photo=549&ppuser=5385 https://talk.classicparts.com/photos/showphoto.php?photo=1433&ppuser=5385
We use a good quality bedliner material on running boards that are actually going to be USED. It's immune to about anything you subject it to, stays nice for years and is not slippery when wet. With coatings like Rhino they can be tinted for color matching (but never exact). Some choose to cover just the top, a section of the top, or the top and outside flange---pretty much whatever design you like. The coating on the 51 GMC has been on for 36 years, you can see the dirty footprints, and the ones on the 49 for about 6-8 years. If your going for glitz or shiny then it's not.
Rhino coating ? Evan The Rhino coating what kinda product is that and can you spray it on to with a spray gun ? Looks amazing good and durable. Martinius.
Martinius, Google "Rhino Liner" and it will tell you all about it. Been around for years and is still the best in my opinion. Yes, it sprays on. We use a 3M "Shutz" undercoating gun and thin it slightly over what one uses for bed lining. There are many bed liner kits offered that supply everything in one package.
Bed liner I used bed liner on the frame and the whole under side of the truck and engine compartment. Mine is no trailer queen and I didn't want to fight any rust. Sure sucks when you have to grind it off to attach a ground wire. I also used it the running boards. It seems to be a good budget friendly coating. Papy
bed liner My 54 had been a farm truck all its life. I had bedliner applied to the runnin boars and top bed rails and inside the bed panels and taigate. It loks nice when washed usung a scrub brush. When Thunder makes the show and shine events, i use tire wet products to spiff the bedliner up. I get lots of compliments on the use of bedliner in these areas. The truck is user friendly. I enjoy parades and hauling gear when I need to. Jim
Bedliner product Hey Tim Could you be kind to show us a picture of your bed ? I am considdering buying the product and spray it on my self. Martinius.
"Rhino Liner" spray on. Thanks Even I have been looking at the their YouTube product presentation wich impresses me of the durabillety of this product.There is one comp. here in Norway that sells the product. Figuered out i could spray it on with a tectyl spraygun i have. I am in the firewood buisness and would wanna use the truck to deliver 60-80 liters sacks of firewood to my costumers. Martinius.
bed liner Martinius, The bedliner is black so it does not constrast well with the dark green paint. I hope these pictures help explain how I utilized the bedliner. Enjoy Jim
Bedliner. This is an amazing product.Thanks fore sharing these pictures Jim i love them. Sinc. Martinius.
Martinius, Explain "Liters of cordwood". We are still stuck with the old British Imperial System on most things and liters are almost exclusively used for liquid measurement. I can't in my mind transfer liters to a solid measurement. Our firewood quantity is denoted a "cord" for a 4 foot high by 4 foot wide by 8 foot long stack of wood or a "rick" for 1/2 a cord. A cord would fit in a long bed but if oak it would flatten the rear springs.
Explination Liter measurement ! Evan I do not know the measurement of 1 US cord. I`ll gues its an old standard wich people use? Metric system cm , liter , km ect. 60 liter sacks dry wood are aprox. 30 cm with X 75 cm hight = 006 kubikmeter 80 Liter dry wood are aprox. 30 cm with X 1.00 meter hight = 008 kubukmeter 1 kubik meter = 1000 liter = 1000 x 1.057 Quarts = 1057 quarts 1 liter = 1.057 US quarts ; 0.8806 UK quarts ; Metric 1000 milliliter Hope that i explaned it well anough to you Martinius.
Thunder that bed looks good. I am planning on doing the same thing to my frankenstein of a truck, bed liner on the running boards and ithe bed sides. Did you apply bed liner to the strips separating the bed boards? Mark
bed runners The ruuners in the bed are painted black. I learned the hard way that rustolem does not adhere well too stainless. I will use the steel runners next time. I am not sure how the bedliner might look on the runners.uu I use a tarp or blanket under anything I load in my bed to reduce wear to the bed, and my cargo. Jim